Chapter 35

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As I pulled back into the driveway, my heart fluttered for the first time since I saw Angelica standing in the doorway all those weeks back. Plenty had happened since that moment. But seeing her again after over a week apart with no communication brought that original feeling back.

I slammed the car door shut and headed over towards her. "Hello, stranger!"

She looked up at me, with nothing in her eyes. The spark had gone, the flame that burned so strong looked to have all but been blown out, all that was left was the smoke seeping from our sordid affair.


"You okay?" I replied, standing away from her. We had seemingly fallen back into being neighbours.

"I've been better." Her head falls, her eyes looking down at her feet.

"I'm sorry for the argument, my emotions just got the better...."

"Joe, listen." She cut me off mid sentence as she lifted her eyes to mine, still empty as if nobody was home, the Angelica I had known and fallen for seemed a distant figure.

"I can't do this anymore. It's all too much for me. I miss Kevin, I didn't think I did, but I do. I can't get the image of him falling out of my head and knowing I caused that is killing me inside. Knowing what we did and having to lie, day after day is breaking my heart. The longer we carry on, the worse it's going to get. I'm sorry."

I stood on the lawn, heart broken. The girl I had fallen for and was willing to give my marriage up for had just ripped my heart out of my chest without warning. I had no response. I understood where she was coming from but I thought we could get through this as a unit.

"Take this back." She moved her hands behind her neck and removed the necklace I had bought her in New York. "I can't wear this anymore, I'm sorry."

She wrapped the chain up intricately, taking her time. She held it in her grasp before handing it back to me.

"I'm sorry it's come to this, Angelica. For what it's worth. I wouldn't go back to change a thing. You will always hold a place in my heart. I take that back. I would change the whole thing with Kevin but the rest, never. I love you and I always will."

Her eyes blank once more, the feelings she had from me were clearly already a distant memory. I could tell there was nothing there any longer.

"Let's just get through this and I'll be out of your way. Dad's putting the house up for sale today. That's why I'm pottering around. Thinking back to all the good things we shared with Mum around the house. This will always be my home but too much has happened. Dad and I need a fresh start."

Another dagger to the heart.

She would be gone forever. I can't imagine she will leave me her new address. This was it.

"Forget about me, Joe. Once this whole Kevin situation is over. I will forget about you."

Before I could muster a reply, she turned around and headed inside. Taking my heart with her, she was gone. Just like that.


"So, how about we have an evening to ourselves tonight?"

I looked across at Emma who was drying up the dishes as I handed her the wet dishes from dinner. That familiar glint of passion staring at me.


"Why not? Do you have somewhere else to be?"

"I do actually. I have to go into work this evening. We have a couple of deals to sign off. I thought I told you?"

Knowing full well, I hadn't mentioned a thing to her because I'd just made it up.

"Oh? Maybe you did? My brain is so forgetful lately. A little bit like yours..."

I shot her a look. "What's that meant to mean?"

She sarcastically dropped her head down to one side. "Honestly, Joe? I sometimes think you forget you're married and have children. You're far more interested in that fucking job!"

"Well forgive me!" I snapped. Throwing a knife back into the sink with a crash. "You certainly don't complain that the money from this fucking job has paid for this house, your car, the clothes on your back, the food you shove down your throat and the kids school fees! Not such a shit job after all really is it?"

"Yeah, Joe, I get that but fuck me! You could spend some time at home every once in a while!"

"Fuck this!" I snapped again, turning around, grabbing my keys from the island as I headed to the door. "Don't wait up!" I barked.

"Daddy. Where are you going?" Zack ran down the stairs as he must have overheard the shouting.

"Daddy's just going to the office, Zacky boy! I won't be long." I kissed him on the forehead and opened the front door only to be stopped in my tracks by a tiny voice behind me.

"Come on, Zack. Let's go play. Daddy's always too busy to play with us."

I'm not sure whether or not her mother's sass was starting to rub off on her but Izzy's pained voice broke me in half. Even the kids were starting to realise I was never around anymore.

I promised myself as I walked out that this was the last time. I had to see what Lyn had on me and hopefully put this whole situation behind me, once and for all.


Angelica and Joe are over? Just like that? That easily and without a fight?

Anyone scared for Joe? Or do you still think Lyn is bluffing?

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