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We reach the cafe and waited for Candice and Graham. I think about what my father said,  I know I should be mad at him but he's my father. He stepped in when my mother abandoned us , he gave me everything I asked for . If I asked him for a thousand dollar watch he gave it to me.

I'm still mad at him though I can't forgive him just yet but still he is sick and I would never forgive myself if something happened to him and we were on bad terms.

Jackson squeezed my hand bringing me out of my thoughts. I give him a small smile , God I love this man so much and when he looks at me with his gorgeous grey eyes it makes my legs turn to jelly and everytime he smile at me with his breath taking smile I completely turn to mush.

I lean in and kiss his lips and give him a genuine smile. He smile and grip my jaw and come in for another kiss but this one was longer. He pull away and bit my lower lip." What was that for angel? "He ask with a smirk. I smile and shake my head.

He put his hand on my thigh and give it a gentle squeeze. Candice and Graham came in and took a seat opposite to us. "So is everything fine? "I asked them .

"Everything's fine ."Candice say with a big smile. I took a deep breath, let's get to the point.

"You guys know that I stay with Jackson and that I moved out suddenly but before you blame Jackson for brainwashing me or some shit I want you too listen to what dad has to say." I tell them . They all look at my father expectantly but he kept quiet and looked down to his lap.

"The reason why I moved out so suddenly and haven't contacted you in 2 months is because dad tried to sell me to Jordan O'Neill. "I tell them . Graham look at me with wide eyes then at my dad .

"Is this true? "He ask . My dad look up his eyes filled with guilt.

"Look son I was in debt and I had no other option but it wasn't going to be bad for Catlin because she would have lived like princess over there so it would have been a win -win situation. "Jackson's grip on my thigh tightened. I place me hand ontop of his to calm him a bit.

"So you decided to sell my sister to a man you hardly know, he could have been a murderer or a fucking rapist ." Graham gritted. He got up too leave but a stop him.

"Boeta luister net aan hom."[Trans : Brother just listen to him .] I tell him. He sigh and take his seat.

"Look Graham I know what I have done is unforgivable but I realised my mistake and I'm willing to bare the consequences for my actions. "My father tell Graham. Graham shake his head in disbelief and look at Jackson.

"So I'm guessing you didn't kidnap my sister, she went with you willingly and you got her pregnant because you thought that she owed you for staying rent free." Graham say shocking me . Where the fuck did he get that idea? Jackson stood up and was ready to attack but I held his hand and shook my head.

"Graham your right Jackson didn't kidnap me and I did go to him willingly but Jackson havn't gotten me pregnant. Jackson never even thought of asking me for rent while I stayed with him. I offered to help pay the bills but he refused... "I look up at him.

God this is going to be embarrassing to say to my elder brother but it has to be said."Me and Jackson havn't had any intimate relationships yet and he haven't even forced me to have sex with him."I tell him and look down in embarrassment .

"You haven't? "Graham ask confused. " Then what are you doing here at the gynaecologist? "He ask . I glare up at Jackson who was looking at me with a raised brow.

"Jackson got worried because my period cramps were really bad so he thought there was something wrong so he brought me here." I tell them. Graham look at Jackson and bow his head in shame.

"Look man I'm sorry, I was just worried about my sister. She's my youngest and I'm very protective over her and when she got shot and I wasn't there to protect her I needed someone to blame . I always liked you and after the shooting incident I was just scared that you couldn't protect her." He look at me and give me a smile.

"I'm proud of you Catlin, you have chosen yourself and amazing life partner. "Candice say  warning my heart. Jackson kiss my temples and nuzzle his face in my neck.

"Look man I het that you are protective over her and I salute you for that but I mean I love your sister immensely and I can't live without her. She means more than life to me so you approving of this relationship would mean alot to her . Even though Catlin thought I didn't see it but I saw how much she missed you guys. "He tell making me want to cry because it's true. I have missed my family so fucking much.

Graham looks over to my dad with a hard glare. "Dad I can never forgive you for what you have done to Catlin but if she forgave you and is willing to give you another chance then so be it. I will continue to help you with your treatment but don't expect anything else from me. Dad I want to ask you this , if I wasn't home and I left Kaiden with you and you were indebted to someone would you have sold my daughter? "Graham asked him .

He look at Graham and shake his head. "Graham don't be ridiculous she's my granddau-" dad say but Graham cut him off.

"And she's you daughter your own flesh and blood, how could you even think of doing such a thing to her. Catlin how can you forgive this disgusting man?" I look at Graham and took his hand in mine.

"Boeta I haven't forgiven him but his my only parent and he is willing to change and he feels really guilty for what he has done so I'm willing to give him a chance to win my trust again. "I tell him. He look at me and give me a small smile then take my cup my cheek.

"Baby sis this world doesn't deserve you , your too good . I mean your willing to forgive the man who tried to sell you." He say with disbelief.

"Graham look at the bright side if he hadn't done all that then I wouldn't have met such wonderful people like Chase, Amy and John. "I tell him.

"Who are they?"he ask confused. I smile.

"They are Jackson's family Well they are like family to him. Chase is Jackson's brother, he is really funny and he calls me sister . Then there's Amy the woman who raised Jackson from 17 she is just like my grandmother except she is more ladylike and my grandmother was a tomboy then lastly there is John. He is Jackson's head chef but he's like a father to me , he's just like Patrick funny sarcastic and witty and his food is delicious. " I tell them .
We continue to catch up on things and the whole time we talked my father was silent . I felt really bad every time he tried to say something Graham would ignore him and talk to Jackson or me. I really hope my dad will change and that me and Graham can forgive him.

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