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Catlin P.O.V
We arrive at Jackson's house and I still couldn't believe this . My dad wanted to sell me to some random guy . What has gotten in to him ? He was so loving and treated me like a princess.  When did he change so much or was it his plan all along but I just couldn't see it ?What did I do to deserve this? Both my parents hate me for no reason  am I such a bad child? I have so many questions.

I feel Jackson pick me up bridal style but I don't react I'm too numb . I feel absolutely nothing. No pain , no sadness,  no anger just nothing. My head is blank the only thing I'm thinking is how numb I am.

We reach his room and he puts me down on the bed and went to the bathroom.  He came back after a while and sat next to me."My love I ran a bath for you can you take a bath for me?" He ask gently. I don't respond to him .

He got up and went to the closet then came back with a bundle of clothes and went into the bathroom then came back and picked me up . He carried me into the bathroom and put me down on the bathroom sink. When I register what's happening I snap out of whatever shock I was in and looked at him.

He looked sad, exhausted and angry . I gave him a small smile , thankfully he understood and left the bathroom . I jumped of the sink and got undressed, I went into the bath and let the bubbles submerge my body. I lay there in the hot water, letting the water relaxmy muscles.

After a while I hear a knock on the door bringing me out of thought. "My love are you alright in there. "I hear Jackson speak from the other side of the door.

"Yes , I'll be out in a  bit " I say lowly , I'm not sure if heard me .

"Okay. "He say , I guess he did.

I got out of the bathtub and dried myself and my hair. I got dressed in the onesie that Jackson got me , I smile at how cute it is atleast he knows my taste in clothes. I got dressed. I search trough the cabinet for a first aid kit. I put disinfectant on the wound and put a band aid on it. I quickly put my hair in a lazy bun and exit the bathroom. Jackson was sitting on the bed with his phone and new clothes. I guess he showered in another bathroom.

"Did you clean the wound?" I asked him . He looked up at me and shook his head.

"How are you feeling b-"He say but I cut him off.

"Jackson you were hit in the head and you're worried about me . That wound can get infected, seriously I can't believe you your so irresponsible sometimes. "I scold him .

I went into the bathroom and got the first aid kit and went to him . I climbed on the bed and sat beside him on my knees. I start cleaning the wound. "You should take care of yourself Jackson. What if this got infected huh ? You are so ...."I grunt frustrated. I finish cleaning the wound and got up.

"I'm sorry angel. "He say like a kid who had been caught.

"You still don't get it ." I exhale and got off the bed. He came to touch me but I push his hands away.

"Don't touch me , Jackson you should take care of yourself. "I say feeling guilty that I'm the cause of this.

He got up and pulled me towards him by my hips. I cross my arms over my chest. My hood wasn't on my head so he unzipped it a bit and started kissing me on my shoulder. "Sorry" he say then kiss in my exposed shoulder

He start butterfly kissing up my neck and mumble sorry after every kiss. I tilt my head back a bit giving him more space to continue his assault on my neck. I felt so relaxed in his touch , I almost forgot why I'm mad at him. He kiss my cheek and mumbled sorry. He came towards my lips and kissed me and mumbled sorry against my lips. He did it again and again.

He go in for another kiss, his lips land on mine and this kiss was full of passion and love . He pulls me immposably close to him . His hands rested on my lower back while mine was on his chest fisting his shirt. The kiss wasn't rough and dominating it was gentle and sweet . Like I was a piece of glass that he is scared to break.

He pulls away and looks at me , his hands goes back to my hips he rest them there. "Am I forgiven?" He ask with a smirk.

"No your not , Jackson do you know what could have happened if the wound got infected? ." I feel the tears well up in my eyes.

"You could have gotten sick if the wound got infected. Your the only one I have . Everyone leaves me no one wants me the only person who wanted me is dead and now if you leave me I'll be all alone in this world. Both my siblings are busy in their own lifes. I can't and won't be a burden on them. "I ramble tears stream down my face .

Jackson hugs me tightly and comfort me whispering in my ear " My love don't ever think your alone in his world.  You have me and you'll always have me. "

He picks me up and put me on the bed. He himself got on and and pulled me to him , I  was crying into his chest while we laid there . He rubbed my back soothingly and wispered into my hair sweet words. I calm down a bit occasionally letting out a sob.

" I feel like all my balloons have gone they are done." I tell him sadly. He lift his head to look at me.

"What balloons are you talking about my love?" He ask confused. I give him a small smile.

"There's this small girl in my head with alot of balloons. Everytime I'm sad or disturbed she would give me a balloon and it eases my tension a bit, but now I feel that even she is lost and has lost all her balloons. "I explain sadly.

Jackson looks at me and smile and chuckle slightly. I hit his chest lightly. "Don't laugh at me ." I pout.

He kiss the top of my head. I look at his tshirt and saw a huge wet mark due to me crying. "I'm sorry. "I mumble.

"Sorry for what my love?" He ask confused.

"For ruining your tshirt. " I say feel guilty. He makes me look at him.

"I don't give a fuck about this shirt the only thing I give a fuck about is you and only you." He say then kissed my forehead.

He got up and went into the closet . I turned on my side and made myself comfortable. My eyes starts drooping and I was feeling extremely tired so I gave in to sleep . The bed suddenly dipped and then Jackson pulled me against his chest by my waist . He tangled our legs together and kissed the back of my head.

"Goodnight my love." Was the last thing I heard before I went into a dreamless sleep

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