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We arrive home and I was embraced by Amy and John who literally cried when they saw me and did a happy dance. After the heartfelt reunion we had Jackson convinced them to come up and let me change . Even though I was smelling really bad even I didn't want to leave them they were so funny.

I came upstairs and went into my closet and got a pair of peach leggings which a matching long sleeved shirt and sneakers. I went to the bathroom and took a long relaxing bath . I got out of the bathtub and wrapped myself in a towel. I went to the mirror and brushed my teeth thoroughly. I got dressed and put my hair in a lazy bun.

I went to the room and saw Jackson sitting on the bed looking through his phone. I went to him and sat on the bed. "Buffy do you mind if I lend your phone they took mine ." I said . He nodded and handed it to me. I took it and dialled Dr Batra's number.

"Hello Dr Batra this is Catlin."

"OMG Catlin where have you been these past few days,  Jackson came here looking for you and then left all panicked. Are you fine dear?"

"Yeah , this is probably going to sound crazy but I got kidnapped but I'm fine now Jackson found me."

"Jesus Catelin are you fine , dear that's horrible. "

"I'm fine , I'll be back to work by tomorrow. "

"No of course not dear you take as much time off as you want , I'll talk to the board. "

"No ma'am really I'm fine I promise. "

"Catlin you will not come to work tomorrow and that's final."

"Alright ma'am. "

We talk and I cut the call . I look at Jackson who is looking at me and playing with my hair. I hand him the phone,  he takes it and put it on the bedside table. He pulls me closer and made us lay comfortably well as comfortable as I could with Jackson holding me like I'll disappear.

We were facing each other while his arm was around my waist and his other hand was playing with my hair. I look up at him and give him a small smile.

"Jackson uh I was wondering, you know the girls your father made you rape did you ever try to...you know find them to see if they were fine or something. "I ask a bit hesitant.

He look at me and give me a small smile and shake his head no. "The thing is I don't really know who they are , i never got their names the only people who new was my father and I think my mother. "He say.

"Oh , I was wondering Jackson uh since you never re6had a childhood. We could create memories that should have been in you childhood. Like going out for ice cream,  going to the park or going to Disneyland. Oh and jumping rope , playing hide and seek stuff like that or even camping. We can do whatever  you want. "I tell him excitedly .

He look at me and grin then shake his head. "Babygirl how would it look a grown man playing jump rope or hide and seek." He ask . I roll my eyes and got on top of him , his hands went to my hips and gave them a small squeeze.

"Okay let me rephrase that. Jackson you and me are recreating you childhood no questions asked. It's not a request it's and order. "I tell him and cross my arms wit a raised eyebrow daring him to argue. He laugh and shake his head

"Yes Mrs ma'am ."he say making me smile. I bump up and down excitedly. His hold on my hips tightens and he groans. I immediately stop and look at him with concern. "OMG did I hurt you?" He shake his head stiffly no ,I sigh in relief.

He stares at me ,confusing me . I look at him confused. "What? "I asked. I felt his right hand leaving my hip and making it's way up to my neck. He cupped the back of my neck and brought my head down to his. Once we were breathes away he looked me in the eye and they were full of emotions.

"I love you. "He said then kissed me slowly and gently. The kiss was filled with passion and love . There were no lust just adoration , passion and love. The hand that were on my hip moved up to my back rubbing it up and down and his right hand was still cupping my neck.

We kissed but was interrupted when we heard the door bursting open. I looked around and saw John and Amy looking at the both of us with wide eyes and a trey of food in John's hands. "I'm sorry we'll...come back...la-later." He say nervously.

I look at Jackson who is glaring at the both of them and if looks could kill they would be 6ft under. I got off Jackson and awkwardly smiled at the both of them. "Uh no you guys can come in we were just..." I try to think of an excuse but none came to mind . I mean what could I say they saw .

"We were kissing before you tow interrupted us and since when don't you knock and just walk into people's rooms?" Jackson ask irritated. I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"Jackson what are you doing apologize to them ."I ordered him. He turned to look at me with a raised eyebrow as if asking.'what the fuck. ' "Jackson I said now." I say sternly. He look at them like a naughty child and apologised. I smile at him and give him a side hug.

"Good boy." I say and kiss his cheek then got off bed and went to Amy and John and pulled them inside the room. "Come on guys he doesn't bite." I joke but no one laughed. I sat on the bed next to Jackson and smiled at him but he glared at me.

"I'm not a dog." She say with crossed arms. I grin and pinch his cheeks. "No your not but your my thoug mafia man ." I say. His lip twitch upwards but he kept his seriously face.

"I'll be yours though mafia man if you kiss me." He whispers in my ear . I roll my and turn my attention to Amy and John who were looking at the both of us with wide grins.

"Catlin we brought this since I'm sure you must have not have a decent meal." John say giving me the trey with the food. I smile and take it .

"Omg thanks they served me food but none was as good as yours. "I say digging in to my food. I devoure every last bit of it , like literally ate like a dog but I don't care I really missed John's food.

I look up to see everyone looking at me with smiles on their faces. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What? " I ask . They shake their heads with a smile, I shrug and continue eating. Jackson's phone rang , he took it and handed it to me . I look at him confused.

"It's your sister. "He say. I wipe my hands with the napkin and take the phone.

"Courtney. "

"Catlin where have you been I have tried calling you so many times and why didn't you come i waited like a fool there at the cafe."

"I'm sorry but my phone went missing and I was caught up with stuff that's why I couldn't make it but I promise that we will go ou tomorrow. "

"Fine but if you stood me up again I swear I will find you and beat the living shit out of you."

"Don't worry I will come promise. "

"Okay fine, I guess I have to go Patrick is calling bye."

"Bye miss you and unspoken word you."

She cut the call and hand Jackson his phone back. He put it on the night stand. I finished my food and me Amy and John conversed with each other while Jackson just played with my hair. After a hour or so they left.
I look at Jackson to find him sleeping. I smile and kissed him on the forehead then went to the bathroom and put my hair in a night cap. I came out and went to bed. I got comfortable and then Jackson pulled me closer and kissed up my neck.  I smiled and turned so I was facing him.

I was a bit surprised that he was kissing me in his sleep . I shake my head and got comfortable. A few minutes just when I got to sleep I felt Jackson moving so he was ontop  of me. I moved my head to see that he was fast asleep. I giggled and get as comfortable as possible with him on top of me.

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