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I woke up when I felt something wet on my cheek,  like something licking it. I snapped my eyes open and looked at my surroundings, I look around confused. This isn't my and Jackson's room. The room was nice though. Then everything came back to me ,Jackson cheating, those men kidnapping me. I look around and froze when I see Jordan O'Neill. What is he doing here?

He looked at me and smile. I look at him confused. "You know it's a shame I can't have you because boss will surely kill me if I touch you." He said and chuckled. Is he talking about Jackson, I remember those men saying that their boss love me.

"Look Jordan , I don't know what this is all about but I didn't do anything. "I said . He shook his head and smiled.

"Oh but you did , you stole our bosses heart and mine too but I can't have you." He say disappointed. I look at him confused,  does he work for Jackson? Then why did Jackson always glare at him when they were around each other.

"Who's your boss?" I ask in a bored tone. He look at me and shook his head

"That's not for me to tell." He say . I sigh seriously are they really gonna be that cliché kidnappers. Ugh I'm already bored , I actually enjoyed beating those idiots earlier. I never really got the chance to use my fighting skills except for the martial arts championship but even then I couldn't really do much damage because I would have been disqualified but I felt so alive when I beat the crap out of them.

"How are your goons?" I mock . He stood up and laughed.

"They are in the hospital getting their wounds treated. You broke Rockies rib, Harry's stomach is heavily bruised, Carder's arm is broken and Adem's knee is fractured. You really put up a challenge. "He say laughing. I roll my eyes.

"You should get real kidnappers next time." I tell him. He look at me with a raised eyebrow and walk towards me.

"Those were our best men." He said . I shook my head

"Well you should train them better. "I say and lay back on the bed.

"I will make sure about that . I see you have made yourself comfortable ."he said reversing to me laying down. I roll my eyes.

"Your not gonna do anything to me and this bed is comfortable so why not just lay down till your boss stop being such a pussy and actually show himself. I say and made myself comfortable. He roll his eyes at me and smirk.

"I guess I'll leave then ."he say and I only nod.

I woke up at the feeling of someone kissing up my neck, at first I thought it was Jackson but the feeling was different, I know Jackson's touch and this was not his. I jump up and push the person away. I look and is shocked by the person infront of me. I never thought I would ever see him again. How did he get here?

"Wrong move baby don't you think it's rude to shove someone you  love like that. "He say with a smirk.

"What the fuck are you doing here Julian!?" I yell.

"That's no way to greet your love. "He say.

"Your not my love , I love only one man and that's Jackson Micheals. "I hiss
He slap me across my face and then grip my jaw.

"You will not say that mans name ever do you get me." He say gripping my jaw even harder . I spit in his face and glare at him. He got up and smiled at me. He take his hand and wipe the spit off his face then lick it. OMG did he just do that? I look at him disgusting.

"Your gross ." I say in a bored tone . He look at me then came closer . "Also what do you want from me , why did you get those idiots to Brin me here and where is your girlfriend and daughter ,Oh wait I guess she must be your wife by now." I say in anger.

"Oh look at you jealous. "Is this idiot serious ? Me jealous? I have moved on a long time ago , I don't care what he's doing with his life nor will I ever . I have better things to worry about then his miserable life like beating the shit out of Jackson for cheating on me then fucking marking him as mine . I will fucking carf my name with a knife on his forehead.

I roll my eyes. "Can we skip to the part where you tell me your shit sappy story and tell me why I'm here so I can go already. "I say bored out of my mind.

"Look at you , you've finally grow a backbone. "He mock.

"Yeah I was tired of pieces of shits taking me for a nothing. "I roll my eyes

"Why did you leave me Catlin ." He asked disappointed. I look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Seriously? You cheated on me or you cheated on your girlfriend with me . You played with the both of us and expected me to run after you like a lost puppy. I loved you but I refuse to be a desperate girlfriend, I fight for people who deserve to he fought for and you don't deserve my effort." I say glaring at him

"We could have made it work , I love you but you ran away from me. You, me ,Robin and Evie could have made it work. "He say and came closer to me.

"Have you gone mad , what do you think I'm.  I will never be able to be with you again , what does Robin say about her husband doing these type of shit?" I yell glaring.

"Her opinion doesn't matter,  she's a woman and a housewife she doesn't bring in the money so she doesn't have a say." I look at him in disbelief,  did he just say that his wife who looks after his child and take care of his house doesn't have a say in the matter,  he's even more disgusting then he was 3 years back let's not forget that the fucker slapped me a few minutes ago.

"Well I'm sorry but I ain't interested in you , I have a man so you can leave me be ." I say in anger. He pull my hair and make me look up at him.  I hiss in pain and try to pry his hand from my hair.

"Listen to me you love me and not that man , I control your emotions and not that man who couldn't even do one this." He say , I look at him confused.

"What couldn't he do ?" I ask looking in his eyes. They were  empty of any emotion,  he didn't even feel guilty that he was hurting me right now.

"That idiot couldn't cheat on you. I sent his assistant but he was too much of a love sick puppy to even touch her. "He gritted out and confusing me. He's saying Jackson didn't cheat but I saw it how he was to kiss Jenna. I saw it with my own eyes , I saw it. He's lying, he doesn't know what I saw.

"Can you fucking let go of my hair now." I hiss. He push my head out of his hand and stood up. I massage my head where he pulled.

"We'll be marrying he day after tomorrow so be good." He say and left the room. I sigh and got up from the bed looking for a place to escape from because I sure as hell ain't marrying that disgusting man. I can't believe I dated that . I shiver with disgust.

Fight for loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن