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I sat down at the head of the table and pulled my love to sit on my lap . Amy sat on my right while Chase sat on my left . My love was trying to get up but I gave her a warning look .

"Jackson please." She whined.

"No" I said sternly , she sigh and made herself comfortable. John served our breakfast and was about to leave but my baby stopped him.

"John where are you going ? Come and eat with us." She said with a smile . He looked at me and I gave him a nod. He sat next to Amy and served himself while we did the same.

"John?" My angel said then she raised her eyebrows questioningly, he gestured to a container with a lid with his eyes. I look at their exchange confused.

She stakes the container and open it up a wide smile spread across her face. There was pancakes filled with nutella. She cut it open and the nutella oozed out . She was about to take a bite but I took the fork from her.

"Hey give me ." She whine .

"No baby this isn't healthy ,eat the bacon and eggs. "I tell her.

"But that is so boring give me my chocolaty goodness. "She tell me.

"Catlin I said you will eat the bacon and eggs and that's final." I say sternly . She  pout but I wasn't having it. I fill her plate with bacon eggs. I take a piece of bacon and bring it to her mouth but she wasn't opening her mouth.

"Babygirl don't test my pasients." I warn her .

She reluctantly open her mouth and eat the piece of bacon. I hear snickering and look up and see everyone looking at us with smiles on their faces. I keep feeding her her breakfast till it's done and then start on mine.

"Can I have it now ?" She ask . I sigh and nod yes. She smile and stard digging in on the pancake. Everyone laugh at us

"Babygirl when will you go to the hospital?" I ask her .

"Tomorrow, I only do my practice  on week days I'm free weekends." She say eating her pancake.

"What will she do at the hospital?" Amy ask worried.

"My babygirl is completing her practice in medicine. "I tell Amy proudly.

"Really what do you specify in?" She ask interested.

"Neurology and cardiology. " She tell Amy. 

"What's that?" Amy ask confused.

"Oh a neurologist is a doctor who specify in the sentral nerve system which include the brain and spinal cord and a cardiologist specify in the heart and blood vessels. " She explain.

"Wow that's amazing you specify two major organs. "Amy tell her.

"Yeah even though they are two completely different fields I've made it my goal to get my masters in them both. "Catlin say. Everyone stare at her with aww and that's exactly how I felt when I found this out about her.

"Jackson you doofus you didn't tell me my sister-in-law is a genius I would have dressed in my genuise clothes so I could impress her." Chase yell making my angel laugh. I shrug and continue eating my breakfast.

"You know you don't have to work right ?Jackson can provide for you ." Amy say

"That's what I told her but she wants to do this and I completely respect that. "I tell Amy and kiss my angels cheek.

"It's not that I don't trust Jackson in providing for me .I just don't like to be dependent on people and I don't want Jackson handle all the expenses. Just because he has the money doesn't mean I should take advantage of it . I know Jackson will spoil me rotten and provide me everything I want but I shouldn't have to run to him everytime I need or want something. I want us to be equals in this relationship. " She tell them.

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