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It's been two days since I've been in this hell hole . Although the room is nice and everything and they serve me my three meals , I still can't take it . They locked me in here ,I'm not allowed to go anywhere. Julian would come here every day and try to get close to me but I somehow manage to avoid his touch.

I asked him multiple times why he came here and what he wants he only tells me because he loves me but it can't be love because everytime he would try to touch me and I avoid it he would hit me. My right cheek and my scalp is in pain every time I tried to touch it.

I haven't had a shower since I got here because I don't have clean clothes and clean underwear , I'm also paranoid that while I'm busy taking a shower they might record me or even come in and see me naked.

The only thing I'm thankful for is that he postponed the wedding to a week later since something urgent came up. I can't wait to get out of this hell hole , I'm just waiting for the right opportunity.

The worst part of being struck here is that I'm missing Jackson. I'm missing his stubbornness,  his possessiveness, his sweet side, his perverted behaviour when I'm around. I miss his mischievous smirk , the way he looks at me when I ramble. I miss the way at how needy he is for me , the attention glutton.

I love how he ain't scared to show me off . I miss how he touch me , when he grab my ass , when he touch me like I belong to him. I miss his smile , the way he calls me babygirl or angel like it's coming straight from his heart but most importantly I miss how he loves me.

I look down at the ring and smile while tears stream down my face . I let the water flow,  I let it fall down my face. I never thought I'd ever say this but I can't live without my baby,  I can't live without my Buffy,  I can't live without my Jackson. I just want his lips against mine right now as we dance close.

The door suddenly opens making me snap my head towards it. Julian came in and smiled at me. I quickly wipe my tears away,  I won't allow him to see me in this state . I lock gaze with him and hold him. I won't let him intimidate me the only person who can do that is my Buffy.

"Why am I here?" I asked for the 100th time since I came here.

"I told you it's because i-" he sy but I cut him off.

"Cut the bullshit and tell me why I'm fucking here?" He came towards me and grabbed my jaw harshly.

"You do not talk to your future husband like that. "He gritted. I contemplated on whether to spit in his face but then I remember the way he licked it the first time I did it. I shudder is disgust but it looks like he took it the other way since he smirked. I roll my eyes and yanked my jaw out of his filthy hands. His smirk dropped but was quickly replaced with a smile.

"Since your so adamant on knowing why your here I'll tell you." He starts and took a seat on the bed close to me but I moved away. He didn't do anything.

"After you left South Africa I realised how much I actually loved you but I was already binded to Robin because of the child. Her mother forced us to get married the moment I finished school so we did but on one condition. They should send us overseas and they agreed since they thought it would be good for Robin and Evie but I couldn't care less about their wellbeing all I cared about was you and your beautiful face.

We moved to New York and settled there. I got a job and worked hard mean time looking for you. I got so caught up in looking for you that I slacked in my job a 2 months later I lost my job. I couldn't keep up  with the expenses so I got involved in illegal activities. I worked hard and supported Robin and Evie with ease .

I quickly became the bosses right hand man and kept on doing my best to win his trust. One day I learned that if the boss doesn't have an heir all his wealth will go to his right hand man or someone close to him so I became even closer with the boss and when the time was right, I killed him.

Everything was perfect , I couldn't support Robin and Evie with ease and get my man to look for you. After a long while I found out that you were here in Los Angeles so I came here but that bastard Jackson ruined everything for me all my men started going to his side and my gang was becoming weaker by the day but then I got his dad to side with me. I met the O'Neill's trough him.

They were in desperate need of money so I lend it to them . They became regulars so we became close in a sense. Three weeks later I heard that you and Jackson were a couple and that you were planning on getting married. I got furious because you are mine but I couldn't come close to you because then my identity would be compromised. So I send Jackson's father to shoot him but that idiot failed and shot you instead while getting himself caught.

I heard that your father was in desperate need of money and was willing to sell you for it , so I send Jordan O'Neill to go and get you in exchange for the money but even that failed since you moved in with that Jackson. He keep on taking my stuff from me first it was my men and now you." He say hitting the headboard behind me.

I flinched away and he laughed when he saw my fearful state. I look at him in shock, how can he laugh seeing someone in that state. I could never be with a guy like him . He'll kill me then laugh while looking at my body. He's a real psycho, what does he think of himself laughing while someone is in that state.

He stood up from the bed still laughing like a maniac. "You should see your face. "He say between laughs. I grew angry and shot him a glare, I swear I'll kill this fucker with my bare hands , I just need and opportunity.

He walks towards the door then turn around in the threshold of it and look at me with disgust. "By the way you smell like shit go take a shower or something. "He say then walk out of the bedroom.

I hug my knees to my chest and start sobbing. Jackson where are you don't you care about me anymore, please come save me. I cried myself to sleep thinking about all the wonderful times me and Jackson had together.

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