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I take another glance at Catlin to see she is still sleeping. We've been driving for half an hour and she has been sleeping since we left that place. I take another road since I want to be left alone with her even of she sleep the whole ride , her presence is enough for me.

I take her hand in mine and kiss her knuckles. It's amazing how Catlin changed my life in five months. I went from a workaholic and a men who hated women and just the idea of love to a care free love sick puppy after the most perfect woman. I can't believe how much Catlin matter to me . She balanced my life , she has me wrapped around her tiny little fingers and she doesn't even know it.

She suddenly snapped up and gasped then frantically looked around, when her eyes landed on me she sighed in relief but then she looked at me again with a glare this time.

"Stop the car." She mumbled. I looked at her confused.

"Why?" I asked and reached to touch her hand but she pulled it away. I looked at her confused why was she reacting like this.

"Just stop the car." She gritted in anger. I sighed and pulled over , the moment the car stopped she jumped out of it. She walked away. I quickly got out of the car and ran after her. I pulled her to me and held her by her shoulders.

"What's wrong with you ?" I ask in panic and frustration. She look up at me and pushed me away.

"Why did you do it ?" She ask glaring at me but all I could see is hurt and pain.

"Do what babygirl?" I ask trying to get close to her but she takes a step back. She started crying making my heart break in a million pieces.

"Why did you cheat on me? Was it because I didn't have sex with you, please tell me so I know,  why did you do this to me?" She asked tears streaming down her cheek.

"Angel I didn't cheat on you I swear on my life I didn't do any such thing. I love you too much. "I say and hugged her closer to me, she rested her head against my chest while I held her close. She sobbed into my chest while I rubbed her back soothingly.

"I love you babygirl. "She sob even harder and tried to push me away but I was holding her too tight.

"Lies , your nothing but a big fat liar. Tell me Jackson is there something missing  do I lack someth-" she say crying but I cut her off.

"Enough! How dare you say such a thing,  your perfect, your more then perfect. You don't lack anything I'm the one that's lacking in this relationship and don't you ever say that my love for you is a lie because I  do love you , I fucking love you Catlin. I go crazy when I don't see you for a day , when I don't touch your soft skin or when I don't hear you call me Buffy. I fucking love you so much I might go insane. So how dare you tell me that my love for you is a lie just because you saw something that isn't true. You want proof,  I'll  give you proof that I could never ever cheat on you!!" I growl in anger and frustration  and take her by the hand and drag her back to the car.

I open the car door and wait for her to get in but she doesn't. "Get in." I say irritated. She cross her arms and turn her back to me. God sometimes she can be really difficult.

"Catlin I said get in the car." I say as calmly as possible. She completely ignores me and continue to stare ahead. I sigh and take her arm and put her in the car , she struggles but I managed to get her in and fasten her seatbelt. I got in the drivers seat and lock the doors.

I look over to her but she was staring out of the window in anger. I sigh and take her hand in mine but she pulls it away from me . "Catlin don't fucking test me , give your hand to me." I say agitated. She glare at me but I glare with the same intensity , she caved in and hesitantly put her hand in mine.

I bring her hand to my mouth and kiss her knuckles. I start the car and drove to my office in the city. The drive was quite and intense,  I could feel the anger and sadness Catlin was radiating. I could hear her stifle her sobs and it broke my heart knowing that I caused this pain.

We arrive at my office and I get get out of the car to open her door but she hot out by herself and walked past me into the building. I sigh and walk up to her , i grab her by her arm and make her look at me.

"You don't get out of the car unless I open the door for you ." I say . She looks at me and roll her eyes then yank her arm out of my hand and walk further into the building. I grab her by the arm again but this time in anger. She struggle in my hold but my grip on her is  firm.

"Don't fucking ignore me , when I talk to you ,you respond . Are we clear?" I gritted. She glare up at me and try to get out of my hold. "Are we fucking clear?" I yelled.

"Don't fucking touch me with your filthy cheating hands ." She struggle in my hold but I only her closer to me and hold her close by her waist and roughly kiss her. She's denying my touch and I won't fucking stand for that . She's mine and her body won't deny me no matter how much her brains want to.

She kiss me back making me smirk but it fade when she push me away. "You don't get to fucking touch me or kiss me like that you filthy cheater." She yell at me making me grow angry. How many times do I have to tell her that I didn't cheat on her?

"I didn't cheat on you and I will prove it so for fuck sake stop calling me that." I yell . She look me up and down and roll her eyes.

"I will stop calling you that when I see the prove ." She say . I sigh and take her by the and and walk with her to the elevator. The moment we're in the elevator she take her hand put of mine and move away from me. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose . God I love her so much but she really know how to test me.

We walk into my office and I go to my laptop to get the CCTV footage of that day. I put the laptop on the coffee table in my office and sit on the couch. I look up to see Catlin is still standing at the door looking at the laptop intensely.

"Will you come in or should I invite you in?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. Her gaze switches to me and her face turned to one of disgust making me break . Seeing the woman you love look at you like that is like a knife trough your heart.

"I don't walk into strangers offices like I own it so yes you should invite me ." She say with and attitude. I will not stand for this type of behaviour from anyone not even her but since she's broken I'll let it slide.

"Just come in. "I say with a sigh. She nod and sat on the couch but the space between us was really bothering me . Not even our shadows were touching and that I don't like one bit. I sigh and play the video but I cut out the part where we held Jenna at gunpoint.

She look at the video closely and saw what actually happened between me and Jenna. I watch her face switch from anger , confusion, sadness to guilt. She looks down to her lap and play with her finger. She glanced up at me with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. "She mumble and cry. "I'm so sorry, you must really hate me. I'm a horrible girlfriend who doesn't even trust her boyfriend. I don't have any excuses punish me how ever you want . I'm really the worst, I should have listened instead of making my own assumptions. "She ramble. I pull her to me and hug her closely.

"It's Okay babygirl I would have reacted the same way but I wouldn't have walked out I would have beaten the shit out the guy who can even think of touching what's mine." I say . She chuckle and hug me back.

I pull away and wipe her tears away and smile at her." Catlin I love you so much I can't even see myself with someone other than you. "I say and made her sit on my lap.

Fight for loveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang