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After Jackson left I got my phone and called Courtney. She picked up after the third ring.

"Jesus Catelin where have you been. I've been trying to contact you for fucking three weeks."

"I'm sorry I was really busy I started working at the hospital and I didn't have time for myself, I'm sorry. "

"That's fine but what's this I see ,so you and Jackson are really official you guy's have been trending on social for the past few week."

"What do you mean trending on social media ?"

"Like his fans are pissed he is taken and some  totally ship you guys."

"But how do they know about us?"

"You really don't know anything about this?...Anyway look at Jackson's Instagram page and you'll see."

"Okay , but that's not why I called you , I called you to tell you that I'm moving in with Jackson. "

"What?!! What does dad say about this?"

"He actually doesn't know yet , the thing is Jackson and dad had a fight about me and well Jackson hit dad is the nose so dad told him to stay away from me . Jackson was scared that dad might separate us so he asked me to move in with him."

"If that's the case then why don't you make them talk like adults instead of taking such a drastic step and just move out. He's our dad Catlin you should listen to his side of the story too."

"Your right I'll call Jackson and tell him to come over so we can talk like grownups. You know Courtney you so have an over active mind."

"Nope . Just really wise unlike you."

"I'm wise, I have alot of diplomas and trophies to prove it."

"Not that wise , you know what your really dumb for a smart person. "

"Whatever I have to plan this talking thing it won't be easy to get them in one room so bye"

"Bye lil sis I unspoken word you"

"I unspoken word you too"

I hang up the phone and let out a dramatic sigh. How the hell am I supposed to get Jackson and dad to talk when they can't even be in the same room. I drag my hands over my face and grunt. Wait maybe my homeboy can help me with this. He is awesome with finding solution for these types of stuff.

I dialled his number. I haven't talked to him in so long so I will have to prepare mentally for my lecture. He picks the phone up after the fourth ring.

"How dare you even call me beecth after what you put me trough I've been so worried about you I thought you were dead. Everytime I came over to your home you weren't home . You think now that you date a hot Greek  God you can forget about me I'm done with you !!.Now that that's out of the way how have you been?"

"Well first off I'm really sorry homeboy you know how I get . I promise i won't ever put you trough that Okay. Now that that's out of the way I'm fine."

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