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I pulled Catlin closer to me when I saw a few guys checking her out . She looks up at me and smile completely oblivious to the man staring at her like she's a piece of meat .

"So you done yet?" I ask her and peck her lips of which I can't get enough of.

"No we still have to go to Victoria secret. "Her and my birth giver say in union ,I nod.

We walk towards it and just when we're at the door my angel stops. "Are you coming in?"she ask me. I nod .

"you do know this store is for women's underwear. "I nod . I mean what's wrong with it . We all wear underwear woman are just more detailed and stuff. She nod . I follow her and my birth giver into the store.

The woman who greets us looks at me as if I grew two heads. "Sir you do realise that this is a ladies store?" She ask seductively. I roll my eyes at her seriously she sounded like E.T when she talk like that.

"Oh don't worry he's with me." My angel say. I go and stand next to her, I put my hand in her jeans back pocket.

We enter the store and I follow my love like a lost puppy,  now I actually do regret coming  in here because I know absolutely nothing about what's going on. I mean my angel is looking trough the stuff like there is a difference in them well except for the size, coloured and shape . She walk towards the other section while I stay in this one and something pop into my mind.

I'm bored don't judge me Okay. I take a black bra and holds infron of my chest and call my angel. "Baby looks at me!!" I say holding the bra to my chest and modelling. She look up and her eyes widen . She quickly acts like I didn't call her.

"Yoah you with the maroon jacket and black jeans !!." She look around the store and see everyone is looking at her and giggling. She points to herself and mouths 'me'.

"Who else babygirl your the only woman for me!!" I yell . She look down blushing everyone else in the store just laugh.

I walk up to her and kiss her passionately infront of everyone. I hear a aww and cheer erupt in the store. She pulls away and look around the store then look up at me and blush. A elderly lady came to us with a smile. "Hello dears you make a beautiful couple and I wish you to always to he together and young lady keep this man your really lucky. "She say but I totally disagree with her on one thing.

"No ma'am I'm  the lucky one ." I say and look down at me angel who was looking at the elderly woman with a smile. "Always be happy. "She say and touched both our cheeks and smile. She then took off her diamond bracelet ." Here dear take this." She say giving the bracelet to my Catlin.

"No ma'am I could never it's yours how can I take it-"

"Oh shush dear I'm giving it to you , your not stealing it and to who will I give it ? I don't have any grandchildren so giving it to a lovely girl like you is a pleasure, consider it as a good luck for your married life. "She say .

"But we're not married ma'am. "My angel say.

"Oh dear you don't have to be binded on paper and in the eyes of society to be be married but the souls and hearts should be binded and in the eyes of God your already married. "She tells us and we both stare at her in surprise.

My angel hesitantly take the bracelet from the lady. "Thank you that really means alot to us." My angel say .

" Oh and dear never take this off . Always support your husband but also don't let him shocked step his boundaries once you know who he really is. I believe you can bring him to the right path. "Okay how does this woman know that I'm doing illegal activities and how does she know that my babygirl doesn't know that I'm in the mafia.

She wink at me then walk away like nothing happened right now." Buffy what does she mean by when I know who you really are?" I look down at her then look elsewhere.

"I don't know. "I lied. This is the second time I lied to her and the guilt is killing me from inside but I'm just so scared that if I tell her she will leave me.

We go to the cashier so we can pay for the stuff we bought. We walk out of the store with Mrs Curry following behind. "I'm hungry." My angel say.

"Okay then we'll go to the food court. "I tell her.

"But I'm not done shopping yet and Jackson what was that in there you embarrassed yourself ,me and Catlin. I didn't raise you like that. " Who the fuck does this woman think she is? What bullcrap is she talking about she didn't raise me like that.

"Would you shut the fuck up ! I have been keeping quite because of my babygirl but you don't tell me how to behave and what shit are you talking you didn't raise me like that , that's because you didn't raise me bit-"

"Jackson!" My angel warns and glare at me.

I huff and pull my angel towards me and give her a tight hug and inhale her intoxicating scent which always seems to calm me down. She rubs my back soothingly and I calm down a bit. I pulled away and hold her by my side .

"Now listen here my angel is hungry so we will go to the food court and eat and you will keep your mouth shut." I say dangerously low.

"Jackson, Buffy . We agreed to go on a double date with Amy and William so we don't need to eat now Okay. We will go finish her shopping then when Amy come we will sit down and eat our meal."

I look down at her and shook my head. Why is she trying so hard to protect this woman? When all she does is disrespect her , I saw in the car that she put the music off when my angel sang but smile and enjoyed the song when I sang . I will not take such disrespect towards my woman.

"Okay I'll buy me a packet of fries for the time being. "She say .

"Catlin your hungry, I will not allow you to go hungry just because this woman wanted to spend our money. "I tell her.

"I'm not even that hungry I promise let's just complete her shopping please. "She plead. I sigh

"fine here go buy the chips. "I hand her my card. She shook her head no .

"I have my own money I can buy myself  fries."

"Babygirl don't argue with me take the card and go buy the fries." She look at me with and emotionless expression.

"You want me to buy a small packet of fries with a card ? You can't be serious. "She ask .

"Yes I am now go or I will drag you to the food court and we'll have a full meal now." I blackmail her. She sigh and take my card then walk towards the fast food stand close by.

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