Among us (super secret ending)

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3rd PoV

"The royal council has come to a verdict. Captain (y/n) (l/n) you are acting pretty sus not gonna lie. And we think you should be voted out"

The military police gasped as (y/n) piped up.
"Me! Acting sus! Are you serious?? I helped diffuse the Female Titan situation! Eren, mikasa, Armin and the rest of the military police saw me do that task!"

Levi growled before proposing "yes but Eren Mikasa you and Armin were all using the tunnels under the city. And we all know only imposters use those"

"Undeniable evidence there Levi but, I think we should consider how at night you said you could saw the cameras come on when you were by the cafeteria but none of us could see that far! Only an imposter could see that far" Hanji smiled, accusing the shorter male.
Levi growled before the messenger spoke up.

"We have come off topic here! Captain (y/n) is one hundred percent sus! We can't ignore the fact they completely missed the fall of wall Maria, that could've killed us all and yet they decided to do their tasks!"

"I think we're missing a bigger issue! Messenger why are you so hell bent on kicking me out! You're acting more sus than I am!" (Y/n) spoke with a devious smirk.

Crocell materialised beside (y/n)'s side.
"I agree, you've done nothing but accuse us all round and yet you haven't got any proof other than we're sus!"

The messenger hesitated.

"And we can't deny the royal council was seen surrounded by countless bodies a few rounds ago! I'm voting the royal council!" Eren shouted, pointing at the podium.

The messenger stuttered in shock.
"B-but! (Y/n) they're the imposter!"

"I agree with you Eren, I'm voting the council" Mikasa and (y/n) chimed.

"I'm here for the anarchy, Armin I'm voting you" Crocell chuckled at his randomness.

Armin gasped, voting for Crocell while Hanji and Levi voted for the royal council.

"I'm voting for (y/n) out of principal!" Yelled the messenger, powerless at the votes.

Erwin looked around before saying
"This is a bit too chaotic, I'm just gonna skip"

"Pretty sus there Erwin" Pegasus giggled before voting for the royal council.

'The royal council was not the imposter
2 imposters remain'

"Oh dear~ only two more kills and we win~" a deep voice echoed through the room as the lights flickered off.

Hi guys,
Here is my little joke for the week and I wanted to post it as a sorry for not being able to post properly this week
I hope you enjoy it and we will return to our regular broadcast this Friday

Also anyone interested in some kind of competition? I want to do one but I'm not sure what on or what prizes

A Demon among TitansDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora