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(Y/n)? PoV

I smirked at the captain, pulling on the clothes that they had discarded while I was taking control.

I walked out of the pond, getting used to using this body. This will be a fun little game.

"Excuse my strange behaviour, I just had to get away from that traumatic experience" I hummed, snaking my arms around this Levi character.
I could hear his heart race.

"Thank you so much for being my knight in shining armour" I purred, learning my head into the crook of his neck and giving him the biggest of puppy dog eyes.

Thankfully, due to the fight (y/n) wouldn't have the energy to take me down. I could kill the Titan boy and blast a hole in the god damn walls before they even tried.
Mischief twinkled in my eyes as I thought of the hell i could create.

"Move it" the captain said coldly, pulling his arms out my grip.
Strange, I thought you loved (y/n).

We flew back towards the team, catching up with the convoy. Landing back in the carriage.

"I'm so sorry hanji for my behaviour" I hummed, batting my eye lids. Levi kicked the scientist to turn her gaze away from me.

"He-" she started to shout only to see the look in Levi's eyes. If I was at full power I would be able to hear your thoughts.

"What's up guys? Something wrong?" I ask, humming.
Levi grunted.
"No nothing is wrong. We managed to find a room for you to sleep in tonight so you won't have to bother with sleeping on my couch" he growled in a monotone voice.

Isn't this guy just a ray of sunshine, what the fuck do you like about him hm? Pathetic.

"That's good news, at least I won't wake up with a bad back" I chuckle, going along with him.
Whenever (y/n) is in control I don't usually know every single one of their memories. I know their physical pains and the general biology but not their memories.

Hanji watched me, I smirked and winked at her.
"At least we're out in one piece am I right?" I chuckle.

Hanji blushed slightly but as soon as I said that, she raised her eyebrows.
"Yeah at least we are out" she hummed, looking at Levi again.

Fuck, I need to know what you're thinking.

After what felt like an eternity of painful small talk, I jumped off the wagon, stretching my back out to seem normal.

A large muscular guy walked up to me.
"(Y/n) are you alright?" He asked in a deep commanding tone.

"Yes I'm great thanks, the ride back helped a lot with calming down" I replied nonchalantly, before the guy in front of me could react
Levi spoke.

"Commander Erwin, I need an emergency meeting with you and hanji. Umm
Cadet mikasa I have an important mission for you" he orders, the 'commander' in front of me raising an eyebrow before looking up and Over my head.

I turned to see hanji suddenly jump back into a casual position.
Such strange human behaviour.

The commander then looked at me with a blank face.
"That is good news."

A girl with dark brown hair and a red scarf walked over to Levi. Walking away from the Titan boy who was in another carriage.
He spoke to her.

"Take captain (y/n) to see Annie and the crystal thing, and then take them to their room." I heard him say quietly before hearing paper rustle. I looked around and saw someone with a whole load of files.

Probably just that dude.
I turned back to see 'mikasa' stuff something into their jacket and nod.

They walk over to me and salute.
I watch them and then copy which made her eyes change. Ever so slightly from seriousness to shock.
I look around before I stop copying her.

"U-uh at easy?" I say, not sure what to do. Fuck I really should've payed attention more to when (y/n) was in training.

Mikasa turned around and started walking.
"Follow" she hummed.

I follow, trying to blend in.

Mikasa takes me down to a dungeon and to a dingy cell.
I couldn't give more of a fuck about Annie but (y/n) did. So I have to at least pretend.

Some soldiers were tying the Crystal down with the body of Annie inside. I watched with a blank face until I feel the stare of 'mikasa' beside me.

How do I act sad?

What is sadness?


What do those humans do when I torture with the screams of their family.

OH! Cry!

I start to break down, tears falling down my eyes. I used an illusion to make them look clear. I collapse onto my knees reaching out to the crystal.

"Annie!" I whimper.

I look up to the soldier beside me and I see remorse in her eyes. Sadness.

You're eating out of my hand.
I look up through the tears and see the soldiers have left half way through the job.
How strange.

I start to sniffle and wipe my eyes only to hear marching down the stairs. Metal clanking against each other.
I growled, turning to 'mikasa'

"Looks like your friends should've been quieter" I hiss lowly, letting my eyes turn to my usual black, soulless.

Her eyes widen in fear, that's what I wanted.
"Such a shame I couldn't get further than a couple hours, I thought my impression was wonderful." I chuckle, letting my real voice take over.

She gripped her sword.

3rd PoV

Mikasa gripped her sword, ready to pounce. Only for the creature in front of her to disappear.
"Tut tut tut" she hears behind her making her body turn quickly to see nothing but a couple black sparkles.

She gasped as she felt a cold hand, snake it's way around her neck and another taking a harsh grip around her arm and wrist.

"Two slow sweetness~"

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