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3rd POV

"who are you?" Hanji asked, hopeful.

"me? Oh no one who you will know" (y/n) lied.
They didn't want Hanji to be suspicious.
But hanji'S eyes were full of hope, begging for some sign.

"then tell me your name. And why you are here!" Hanji demanded the figure.
"I'm sorry Hanji but I can't." (Y/n) answered, saying hanji'S name without being prompted.

This made hanji'S heart beat loud and fast.
She knew it was them now.
"why" she persisted, hoping they would reveal themselves to confirm her suspicion.

"because I agreed to the whole scout unit that I would be dead from that day fourth!"
(Y/n) forgot about their hood as it flapped in the fast winds.
They turned their head to see Hanji face to face. Fast. Too fast.

Without realising, the wind had ripped out the twigs in (y/n)'s hair and the hood fell, showing off the figure's face.

Hanji gasped. The sun glowed across their porcelain (s/c) skin. (E/c) orbs shone. (H/l) (h/c) hair flowed gracefully framing their doll like face. Hanji reconised them instantly, eyes filling with tears.

"(Y/N)!!!!" Hanji ran towards the (gender) who was presumed dead and wipped from history but had always left a hole in her heart.

She tackled them into a hug, almost falling off the branch. She buried her head into (y/n)'s neck, holding on tightly as if they were going to die.

"I missed you so much. I thought you had died. After the incident I was so lost. LEvi changed so much. We all missed you. Even if Erwin claims he doesn't know you." Hanji rambled, blubbering as she welled with tears.

"I could barely live without you!"

"Hanji it is good to see you to but you cant be here with me. I might be dangerous. I could kill you!" (Y/n) warned, breaking the hug.
"I missed you too but I still don't have full control and Titania will find you please go home to safety"

"but I can't leave you here!" Hanji backfires, on her knees and holding on for dear life.

"the squadron leader will know who I am, Hanji, I can't go home. I am banished remember" (y/n) tells her calmly, sadness like an ocean in the figure's eyes.

That's when a lightbulb lit in the scientist's head.
"if I make a deal. One where you can come home and be with us. Would you?" She blubbered, collecting herself and whistling for her horse.

"I would consider but it is unlikely so don't get your hopes up hanj" (y/n) used the nickname Hanji loved, smiling and wiping the tears off hanji'S face.

"and if I returned to visit you would you make sure I wouldn't die?" Hanji asked a few peculiar questions, hesitant.

"I would lay down my life for you, Levi and Erwin." (Y/n) promised.

"I will make a deal with you then. If I can convince the military to allow you back. When I return to tell you will you consider coming back." Hanji offered, biting their lip and getting ready to leave.

"I would agree to come back but I won't be using my demon form for anything. No experiments or anything. that a deal?" (Y/n) added, making sure Hanji understood.

"deal. Thank you (y/n) we really missed you." Hanji agreed, slightly upset about no experiments but understanding it was for the best

"and I missed you. now go you must get home" (y/n) ordered, watching as the section commander jumped to their horse.

Hanji POV

They are alive! I can't believe it!
So many years alone and yet they're here!! Inside wall Maria!

"FOUR EYES!!! Look out!!"

I screamed as I was almost crushed by the Titan. My horse ran towards everyone with me on its back.

"Drop the bodies" Erwin ordered.
"What!!! We can't sir!" A cadet shouted.
"They are slowing us down so unless you want to be eaten then drop the bodies!"

(y/n) POV
I watched them as they left.
I did want to go back inside the wall but I couldn't get my hopes up.

I wonder how much more research they've done. The stories. Erwin seems to be a lot more stuck up than he used to be. Same with Levi.

As I was in this deep chair of thought, I saw white clouds with dots of red rolling down the hills and into my forest.
Body bags?
I'm guessing they were too heavy to take home. Hmm.
It doesn't look right.
I doesn't feel right that their bodies lie there with nothing.
They must of been important enough for them to argue over them.

I jumped down to the forest floor, inspecting every body. As I did so I felt eyes watching me.
I turned to see two 5 metre titans and a 10 metre as well as an abnormal titan watch me.

I growled, glaring them all down.
"If you think you can have these bodies you can fuck off" i hissed, frightening the abnormal who walked away and pranced about in circles for no reason.

The others still watched, making no advancement to take one.
One by one I picked up the bodies and unraveled them.

I turned to the 5 metre titans.
"Dig about 17 small holes for me and you can have one each." I ordered.
"Any attempt to eat them and you don't get it, any attempt to kill me and you die." I threatened and they complied, digging rows of holes for bodies to be layed in.

I turned to the 15 metre who had decided to get onto its hands and knees to look at me.
"Watch it big guy."

The two five metres watched, curious almost.

We stared at eachother for a few moments before it snapped at me, attempting to bite me.
I growled, pushing the energy I had into my fist, and holding it out for the titan to try and eat.

As soon as it's mouth was over my knuckles, black shards flew from my fist, cutting through the throat and out the back of the neck of the 15 metre. It dropped to the floor instantly, burning up and disintegrating.

The 5 metres appeared to get scared, running away without their reward.

I chuckled and buried the bodies one by one.
I couldn't just leave them. It would be wrong.
All I hope is that Hanji will complete their task.

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