Hanji's ending

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3rd PoV

"The royal council has come to a verdict. Captain (y/n) (l/n) you are deemed unsafe for this world but as we do not have the ability to eliminate you, you shall be put under maximum security and constant watch for a life imprisonment. You shall have access to food and drink however no visits or probation, even if wall sina gets overrun by titans you shall not be allowed to leave." The messenger announced, smiling before finishing.

"That is all, you have the ability to say goodbye now"

(Y/n) and Crocell relaxed into the pool of blood, chains still coiled around their arms. Crocell pushed his horns into the floor to stretch their stressed neck as section commander Hanji leaped over the sides and slid through the blood to sit infront of them.

"Crocell? Is that who is in control?" She asked first. Crocell hummed.

"Yes it is, (y/n) is too weak to take control but they can still hear and see you" he hummed, tilting his head to the side to look up to Hanji.

"Say and do as you wish, they'll hear you Zöe" he purred, blood dripping from the side of his face.

Tears dripped down her cheaks as she pushed her forehead into their neck, crying into the hot reddish skin of Crocell.
"I'm so sorry, I love you (y/n) to the end of the world. Please wait for me, I'll come to get you! I love you" she whispered making (y/n)'s heart pound.

(Y/n) PoV

I could hear and see a sobbing Hanji, the crowd didn't matter to me as I heard her mutter in my ear.

"I'm so sorry, I love you (y/n) to the end of the world. Please wait for me, I'll come to get you! I love you"

I felt my heart pound, and I tried to talk back to her but only whimpers came from my mouth.
I felt Crocell talk for me.

"I think they say I love you back Zöe" he whispered in her ear causing her to have a small smile on her face as she stood up.
The rest of the scout corps jumped around the demon making Crocell chuckle.

3rd PoV

After a few moments of goodbyes, (y/n) was dragged away on their podium. Crocell used a tiny drop of blood to show a faded and very weak illusion of him waving at everyone. It lasted only for a moment but it made the squad break down in tears.

They were taken far away, and deep down under the walls of sina. Down into a freshly built tunnel. Mud and clay lined the walls as insulation as the wet and dripping tunnel continued. It took an hour before more light was seen and the tunnel opened up into a muddy room. Bars lined one side, comedically large but more bars lay as if they were going to be put in place once (y/n) was in there.
The inside of the cell was bricked them cemented before getting lined with iron as a 'wallpaper' of sorts.
A bed was in the corner of the room and a bathroom was in the other corner without a door. Obviously no water flowing into it so one bucket sat at the side of the cell as another bucket sat ominously in the bathroom.

Crocell gagged at the idea of using it. The chains around his arms were released and he was laid onto the bed before the military police left and installed the rest of the bars so it was impossible to leave.

What felt like years was only 11 months in the cell. Crocell and (y/n) were fully recovered but they still had no way of escaping.
They lay on the bed, watching as the hellhounds took care of their pups. (Y/n) made their 1000th balloon animal and showed it off the Crocell who sat under the bed.

"They're getting better, at least that looks like a giraffe." He smiled but (y/n)'s frown made him freeze.

"It's a mouse" they mutter before letting go of the illusion and it disappearing.
Their stomach growled as they looked towards the newly installed door.

The room was now wooden lined and had a door with about 50 locks on it. It looked homely.

The door's locks began to click and turn before it swung open. A woman with reddish brown hair walked in dragging a huge pig.
(Y/n) and Crocell shot up and stood at the bars, gripping with their mouth watering at the huge meal.

"The hell is this!? The captain didn't say anything about a live animal!" The guard called, growling at the idea of giving criminals this huge pig.

The woman spoke.
"It's a special occasion the captain said" holding the pig close enough for (y/n) and Crocell to start feeding. which made (y/n) tilt their head.

'Crocell isn't that voice familiar?' They thought, making him nod as he sunk his teeth in.
The pair drained the pigs soul faster than the speed of light.

"What sort of special event?" The guard asked as the pig flopped to the floor. The woman looked up and smirked.
(Y/n) gasped as Hanji took off her hat.
"It's their grand escape" she smirked and smashed the lights which flooded the room with darkness.

(Y/n) teleported out the cell and grabbed a hold of hanji's hand.
In the darkeness Hanji couldnt see but the demon could.
They ran out the room and jumped into the rail system to quickly make their escape, using illusions to force them to go faster. Hanji screamed with joy as she squeezed (y/n)'s hand.

"Hanj I fucking love you!" They scream as the train reaches the end. (Y/n) grabs a hold of Hanji as Hanji uses her ODM gear to fly out of the tunnel entrance and up to the top of wall sina.
They ran, faster and faster, running forever as they held onto eachother's hands.

When the guards tried to look for the couple all they could find was a faded illusion of the hellhounds and their pups.



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