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-Eren's PoV

The abnormal is on our tails. It has already taken down the right wing and is headed directly to us!!

I have to trust team Levi, they're the best in the game.
We rode into a thick forest, hoping this is our best shot at survival.
I look around and see how team Levi is just as terrified as I am, uncertain at how this mission is going to turn out.

I can hear the abnormal's footsteps behind us. It's big.
Backup started to swing in just as this titan appeared, running at full speed towards us.
It looked female, killing every person in its path.

What do I do!?

-armin's PoV
We stood in the trees looking down on the Titans below us.
Me and Jean spoke and discussed the commanders plan. We had been given nothing to go on and the withdrawal signal hasn't been fired yet.

What is happening?

We hear rustling behind us.
Is that a titan!
My body fills with fear and I clutch onto my swords.

"who's there!!??" Jean shouted hoping it was human.
"Oh I was only listening to your theory. It's quite interesting." A rather smooth voice spoke from inside the leaves.
Human, I relax and but the blades away.

"What section are you from? Supplies? Left wing? Central?" Jean shouted at them, confused.
"Section? Me? Oh no I'm not on this mission." They replied calmly, as if what they had said doesn't sound absolutely insane.

" Then why and how are you here??? It isn't safe" I told them, shocked.
I step back and clutch my swords again, as does jean.
"I know it isn't safe, because I live here.
Please lower your blades, I mean no harm to you" they hum.

-Jean PoV

That voice, it's so soft.
Calming. This is no time to be fanaticising!
They're insane obviously. But I can't help but long to know who is in the trees.

-armin's PoV

Its illogical that a human can live outside the wall.
A titan would've eaten them by now if that is the case. It doesn't make any sense.
Do they really live here?

-3rd PoV
"HOW!!! How can you live out here? A titan would've sniffed you out by now if that was the case!"
Armin asked, stress and worry in his voice.
"Of course they would hide this part of their history" (y/n) whispered to themselves, knowing the boys would overhear.
"It doesn't matter how I ended up here, or how I lived here" they replied to armins question.

"history??" Jean muttered in confusion, stunned by the figure's words.

"why is the scouting league here? Do you know??" They asked urgently.
"We were out on a reconnaissance mission to see how far we would get with eren!" Jean blurted.
"We want to retake wall Maria but a female titan attacked and we were lead here!"

"Titania? She attacked?" They muttered before speaking up again
" Are you going to kill those???" (Y/n) asked, pointing at the titans.

"Our orders were to leave them alone, if we don't have to engage they don't want us to" armin spoke calmly, replying simply to the strangers question.

"yours not mine!" They said with excitement in their voice.
They flicked the gas canisters they had which were only half full.

"WAIT!! Where are you going??" Jean asked as (y/n) jumped.

They were gone. A shadow flew overhead as the sound of ODM gear zipped past.
The boys looked and they saw someone with a tattered old scouts uniform above them.
They had the hood covering their face and they were holding two homemade swords in their hands.
Were they suicidal!??
They fell for a few seconds, as if they were in slow motion before the figure was replaced with a blur. The blur flashed around seemingly killing titans before they even reached the nape.

The pair stood in shock as they saw the figure land and the titans fall with a crash.

"there now who is inside this forest??" The figure spoke, their hood creating a shadow over their face so the two could only see their (e/c) orbs.

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