Fight with titania #2 (1000 word special)

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Prepare for the worst description of an epic battle
I can't write fight scenes


My body grew with my anger, feeling the rage pumping through my veins. My only human contact for five years. I raised her like a daughter, my only friend.

As my head lifted I saw a fleshy fist make contact with my face, startling me slightly. I growled and punched the ground with all my might. The earth cracked like a snake, sinking her smoking feet into the ground. She lost balance.

Transferring my weight onto my hands, I whipped my legs around making contact with the back of her knee, collapsing the giant into the ground. Her screams ripped through the air like paper. My spine shuddered as I stood.

I dont want to fight her.

I felt beatings and hits to my legs, shoulders, head, body, back.

I dont want to fight her.

Her growls of frustration stabbed my ears. The fractures left of my heart burnt to ashes as I turned to look at her snarling screaming face as she slammed me to the ground. I heard giggles in my head.

'Pathetic arent you?' It hissed at me. 'Why dont you fight? She'll beat you half to death of you dont?'

I dont want to listen to you. I dont want to fight her. I kept telling myself.

'Here let me take the weight off your shoulders. I'll fight' it hummed calmly as I started to fade our of consciousness.

3rd POV

The black figure was sprawled out on the ground, deep black liquid oozing from every blow the titan gave. Roars of frustration came from the titan as the demon refused to fight back.

The titan gave up, panting in a hot mess. Why bother picking a pathetic fight? It stood, staring down at the black figure. Titania growled and gave it one last kick for good measure, not expecting to feel a spike shove itself through her foot. She looked down to see the black creature smirking and a spike protruding from its side which poked it's way through the titan's foot.  Without a word of warning, a blood curdling shriek came from the demon as it began to toss the rag doll of a titan to the ground. Creating spikes out of seemingly nowhere to stab the bewildered titan.

Titania was terrified. Looking at the cold red eyes of the demon.

... red?

Titania gasped and screamed as she felt her skin being torn from her skeleton and a tree shoved down her throat. This wasnt (Y/N). She wasnt in control.

Annie opened her ice eyes and tore from her titan cocoon, running before her opponent could notice her absence. Leaving on horse back as soon as she could.

The demon was enjoying itself too much. Cackling madly as it tortured its victim. Only noticing the body hissing and disintegrating when it was too late, watching the human run back into the wall before the demon could even begin to catch up.

It growled, standing and glaring.

"DONT LEAVE YOU BITCH!" It roared with a glitch, charging after its opponent.

The demon barely left the outskirts of the forest before feeling itself sinking to the earth and falling through it. It yelled turning to  see (Y/N) sending it back to hell. They were holding onto the tree for dear life as she forced the beast to return. Tears of gold falling off her face as her barely conscious form chanted in Latin.

"reditus, reditus, reditus in bestia mundum venisti. opprimere te ad infernum ego ad te pertinent."  They started quietly. The demon panicked, wading it's way back to the human.

'NO! I HAVE VALUE!' It screamed

"reditus, reditus, reditus in bestia mundum venisti. opprimere te ad infernum ego ad te pertinent." (Your pronouns) got louder, gaining , more stability in their feet.

The demon begged, grabbing at the air and longingly looking into (Y/N)'s eyes. It felt chains wrap themselves around it's feet, dragging it further and further down.

(Y/N) glared, starting to gain more strength in their voice. "reditus, reditus, reditus in bestia mundum venisti. opprimere te ad infernum ego ad te pertinent." (Your pronouns) was/were at speaking volume now.

The demon could feel flames tickle their feet, the earth at chest height now.

It begged. Louder and louder attempting to drown them out

"REDITUS! REDITUS! REDITUS IN BESTIA MUNDUM VENISTI! OPPRIMERE TE AD INFERNUM EGO TE PERTINENT!" (Y/N) yelled as loud as they could. The demon was dragged back down to hell, the gates shutting behind them. (Y/N) collapsed, panting heavily and whimpering in pain. They wrapped leaves around themselves to fashion a bandage."I'm so sorry titania" they whispered before passing out from the pain.

Levi POV

I walked the spotless halls to my sleeping quarters, barely able to get that voice out of my head. Who are they?I grunted and slammed my door shut, pacing my quarters before eventually pulling a brick from the wall to show a small box. I dusted off the box and opened it. Revealing pictures of the ghost I tried to forget. Damn brat, did you die out there?I sighed, cradling the pictures that still contained their former glory. Fuck you were gorgeous. My heart pounded in my chest as I heard your giggles. Their soft (S/C) hands holding my heart as you played with my heartstrings like a harp. How I regret not making you mine."(Y/N)" I hear your name slip my lips and I slap my hand over my mouth. Sitting up instantly.When did I lie down?I growl and stuff the images back into the box, shoving it behind the wall and squash the brick into place. You left me. You never cared. So why can I not stop thinking of you. You're a liar, a cheat, a freak, a tease, adorable, goofy..... FUCK OFF I NEED TO HATE YOU!

My voice banged around my head as I chose to lay down and ignore it. The voice will shut up after tomorrow. I'll know if you're still alive (Y/N).


Hey guys, I know it's been forever and tbh I forgot about this. I havent watched AoT in forever but after reading through your comments I decided to come back and carry on. It wont be every night but I'll try and be regular

Anyway enjoy this for now

Abbigirl88 x

(Just going back through and fixing some shit)

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