A court trial

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-(y/n)'s perspective

I woke, hoping it it was all a dream.
After returning to human form, squad Levi knocked me out.

I around new to see I wasn't in a cosy bed, but instead I had the whole survey core standing above me most with horrified looks on their faces.
It was never a dream.
I was doomed.
I had been placed in the centre of this arena of sorts. Stairs lead up and out of this hole I was cornered in.
(like when eren was trialed after being in Titan form)
I scanned at the familiar faces around me. Terrified. Every single one holding a gun to my head. A cannon ready to aim at my person.

My eyes then landed on Hanji and Levi. Hanji was shaking. Cold to the core. Levi looked a stoic as ever but his eyes told a different story.
I had betrayed them both.

-Levi's PoV
They lied.
I don't know who that is.
I don't know what that is.
I felt my heartstrings pull, knowing that thing had the face of one I loved.
I watched you get eaten by that titan, I was ready to dive into that thing and save you.

What are you now?

I hoped my face showed none of the heartbreak I feel.

-(y/n)'s PoV

"Captin (y/n) (l/n). Humanity needs the answer WHAT ARE YOU HUMAN OR TITAN!!!!" The commander screamed, fear set in his tone
I knew the answer, I didn't believe it myself.
I always thought I was with humanity. That I would never use my demonic form, not unless the situation was dire. I was always scared that my instincts would take over or that.... thing would take control. It was always a thought. A horrible horrible thought.

I noticed I hadn't actually answered the Commander.

"ANSWER ME!!!!!! ARE YOU HUMAN OR TITAN???" He shouted again, getting impatient.

I started to stand, strength slowly building up as I felt my muscles pull my tired body up.
It alarmed the soldiers and they all placed their fingers on the trigger.
My hair covered my eyes, looking down at the concrete. I could tell what they were all doing though. my arms fell infront of my darkened form, heavy.


"nither sir!!!" Finally standing straight and looking him in the eye. This made him jump, eyes filled with terror.

"THEN WHAT ARE YOU????" He asked in confusion.
" I am a half-demon sir!!" I replied plainly.
the arena grew quiet. Quiet enough so I could hear the cannons being loaded. The core processing my answer.
"You've gone mad soldier. You're a freak! A THREAT!" The commander's voice broke the silence.
"There is no such thing as DEMONS!!!!"
he lifted his arm slowly
"READY!!" The core prepared themselves to attack. There faces showed anger and fear but their eyes showed mercy.

-3rd PoV

"READY!!" The commanders arm raised in the air. Fear plastered on his face.
(Y/n) sighed, looking pitifully at him.

"AIM" His hand firmly in the air ready to bring down like an axe.

(Y/n) suddenly raised both their arms into the air for surrender, causing the Commander to freeze.

USE THEM AGAINST THE TITANS!!!" They shouted eyes closed tight.
"Even I am scared. In my head I knew I fought for humanity. But now. I SHALL MAKE A DEAL!!!"

The commander was confused and traumatised. He listened to the Captain, cautiously.
"I shall leave without a bother to humanity.
Live outside of the wall.
I wish for no one to attempt to look or interact with me and I only ask for one set of ODM gear, 4 blades and two canisters of gas" they state, bargaining for their life.


"2 blades and one spare canister, that is your offer. But you must never bother humanity of your own accord!!" He agreed, lowering his hand.

"I wouldn't of had it any other way"
(y/n) replied, saluting.
They looked over to their old friends with tears in their eyes.

'I'm sorry' they mouthed before being taken away to start their trek to wall Maria.

- Levi's PoV
Goodbye (y/n).
I hope to forget you

Hanji PoV

(Y/n)... this is too fast!
I feel tears run down my face and well in my goggles.
I need to say goodbye!

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