The devil in a wet prison

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(Y/n) PoV

I was trapped in this dark, wet prison. Jolted at every punch, kick. Every step taken.

I should've been knocked out but Annie knew that would just summon the demon inside of me. My heart ached, tempted to just slide down into her stomach and burn with the acid in her stomach.

It wouldn't kill me but it'd do a damn good job trying.
I crawled along her tongue, doing my best to grip to the slippery slope.
Just as I get to the back of her throat, I feel a rumble.
I jolt and jerk, holding on for dear life. Not sure why since I wanted to jump in the first place.

What followed was an earsplitting scream.

Usually this wouldn't hurt but I am right next to the source of this and it hurts.
My head feels like it's being torn from the inside out, a drill charging through one ear and out the other.

I fall back, holding onto my ears. I collapse onto her tongue, feeling it move to cover over me. As the roar stopped and the ringing in my ear started I noticed I was under her tongue, a tighter coffin like room compared to where I just was.

Suddenly I feel myself jolt downwards, falling somehow but still being perfectly pinned against every wall of this room.
We crashed to what I assumed was the floor, and then everything stopped.

Where was i? Up? Down? Lying down or standing up? Hell for half demons?
I suddenly feel everything get very hot, burning. Steam out of every crevice.
I wait until the tongue starts to steam up before attempting to push it off me.
Surprisingly heavy.

Did Annie freeze this in her crystals.

I hear muffled shouts from outside where I was but the roar took so much energy out of me that I just lay in the hellish warmth around me.

3rd PoV.

"EREN! BE CAREFUL!" Erwin yelled, grabbing the attention of not just the Titan but the section commander and captain as well as other soldiers.

"ANNIE SWALLOWED (Y/N)! CAREFUL!" He yelled, making the titan's eyes go wide.

Titania was already crashed out on the ground, mouth shut and iced over. Eren reached down and grabbed the human from the nape of the female titan's neck, not expecting her to freeze over in a crystal.

Eren growled as his form keeled over and he burst out, barely conscious.

Mikasa and armin grabbed Eren from the body of the Titan as
Jean and Sasha braus all started soaring around the female Titan. They all yelled to each other about the different places the demon could be, all panicked in their own way.

Erwin started slashing at the titan's stomach, cutting open to a pool of acid but no (y/n).
Hanji and Sasha cut open the throat of the Titan to see if they were there but no sign.
Levi tore through the titan's eyes and managed to burrow into her mouth.

He landed on top of the titan's frozen tongue and started to manically slash at the tongue in panic.

Jean however cut under the titan's jaw, allowing for his captain to fall out, almost limp.
He managed to catch them bridal style yelling he had found them.

Even covered in slime, Jean couldn't take his eyes off them.
They looked vulnerable and sweet. Adorable.
He sighed in relief as he reached the ground. Hanji, Sasha, Erwin and eventually Levi following suit.

Hanji, Erwin and Levi's blood boiled at the sight of Jean holding their precious (pet name)
Sasha walked up to the other soldier, her eyes widening in shock.

"Oh my. W-who is this?" She stuttered, red faced.

"Captain (y/n)" Jean hummed softly, looking at the captain as if they were a baby in his arms.
Sasha's heart began beating, feeling her usual hunger disappear as she saw the creature in jeans arms.

(Y/n) could only hear mumbles around them, their ears still ringing and their head pounding.

'Aren't you in a pitiful state' a snake like voice spoke, deeply and darkly.
(Y/n) felt the demon's presence above their head.

"N-no I'm fine" they muttered, shocking the crew around them. They weren't asking the captain any questions.

'You can barely stand and you haven't opened your eyes once... are you sure you don't need my help' it hummed, smirking.

"No, fuck off I don't need you" (y/n) hissed, opening their eyes and looking distantly at the sky.
To them they were staring directly into the eyes of the devil but to Levi and hanji in the carriage with them, they were shouting profanities at them.

"I'm just trying to help (y/n) please" hanji whimpered, waving her hand infront of the demons face.

"(Pronoun)'s obviously deaf four eyes cant you tell?" Levi growled. "The female Titan roared while (y/n) was in her mouth so I'm not surprised  they're deaf to the world"

'Come on, you're in such a pitiful state, im sure no one would mind if I just, said hello~' it growled, placing its hands over (y/n)'s.
It dug its fingers into (y/n)'s eye balls causing them to scream loudly.
It was blood curdling, surprising the two supervisors around them.

"HELP ME! HELP ME! GET OFF OF ME!" They screamed, their body jerking and squirming around.

Hanji stood frozen with fear, terrified of their friend who was now burning to the touch.

Levi wrapped a blanket around the (gender) suddenly using his ODM gear to fly up and over the wall, crashing into a nearby forest inside wall rose.

It was isolated for a little while, mostly farm land around so whatever was causing a demon so much pain wouldn't do much damage.
As soon as Levi dropped the captain he could no longer hear them scream.

He scrambled through the forest to find them, finding the burnt and shrivelled up blankets first and then the head of (y/n) in the pond.
"Rather warm day today, wonderful day for a swim?" They invited, swimming around in the pond.

Levi cocked his eyebrow.
"What the devil has gotten into you?" He growled.
This made (y/n) giggle.

"He was in me the whole time you know, the devil." They purred seductively, not answering the question.
"Well are you going to get in or not?" They ask, smirking.

Levi grunted "tch, I have no time for this, we must get back" he grabbed what was left of the uniform that he could see and tossed it on the ground.

"Let's get going"

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