Birds without bees

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Jean's PoV

I felt my legs quiver under me, anger and shock coursing through my veins.
They were going to kill them that easily?

They can't be dead, they're a demon.

Thoughts ran though my mind until I remembered something.
Armin said the captain trained with captain Levi and just after commander Erwin.

They have the power to stop this madness!

Before I knew it, I was running. My feet barely touching the ground as I stormed to captain Levi's room.
I hammered on the door, almost smashing it with the sheer anger in my body.

But as I heard the man walking through the room in front of me and hear a grunt from inside saying.

"Shut the fuck up I'll be there in a moment"

I froze, I did not plan anything. The door swung open to a very angry and very cold captain Levi.

"What is it cadet?" He growled, unhappy to be woken. His eyes were red and puffy and I must be tired because his cheeks are strangely shiny and wet.

"I-It's captain (y/n) sir.
I was looking for one of my friends who went to visit them only for the medic to tell me something along the lines of 'your can say goodbye right before we cremate them' and i-I was wondering if that was appropriate"
As soon as I said 'cremate', something switched in captain Levi.

He went from drowzy and pissed off to very alert and even more pissed off.

Thank fuck he is just as riled as I am. I really need to get to know them, I can't help but be entranced by them.

Captain Levi picked up a jacket and walked to commander Ewins office.

"Commander!! Did you order the medics to cremate (y/n)!!??" He yelled, kicking down the commanders doors.

The commander shot up as he heard 'cremate' and (y/n) in one sentence.
"Excuse me!! Cremate? Who said this?" He yelled, jumping out of bed and into gear.

Captain Levi looked at me.

"U-uhh the night staff sir on duty, they said they are scheduled for noon tomorrow" I stuttered, amazed at the response I got.
I'm gonna save you (y/n), when you wake up I'll make sure you know it was me who started this.

Erwin walked out the door.
"Cadet —" he looked at me for a prompt to my name.

"Jean, cadet Jean Kirchtein sir" I saluted to him.

He nodded.

"Cadet Kirchtein, thank you for this information now get some rest and I will inform you of any progress" the commander stormed down the corridor, captain Levi in tow.

3rd PoV

the commander was furious! Who was trying to take away his love!! He needed you.

Levi was defeated. You had left him once before but now as soon as you have come back, someone is trying to take you away.
The pair stood outside the medical triage centre, locked out. Levi looked at the ground while the commander shouted for some sort of authority.

Glimmers of an orange glow shine through the hole in the wall they called a window. Levi looked up, staring into the sky.

'Give me a sign (y/n)' he begged. 'Give is a sign that you want to be with us too'
He waited, walking up to the window, only to hear wings fluttering and a bird land in front of his face.

He tilted his head, trying to identify the bird with the glow of the sun directly in his eyes.

"A (favourite bird, if not a crow)" he muttered.
His eyes widened and he tapped the shoulder of Commander Erwin.

"Hey, boss, look a (bird)" he hummed, a smile tugging at his lips.
He felt peace.

The commander twizzlded in frustration only to stop at the sight of the bird.
"Oh- hello there fella" he muttered.

The bird flew off, fluttering around for a bit.
"Don't leave!" Levi whined quietly, forgetting there presence of the commander.
The commander waited, biting his own lip.

The bird squawked after a few moments only to come back to the men in the window with an object in its mouth.

A picture?

(They have Polaroid cameras okay?)

Levi looked at the old photograph. His eyes widened.
It was graduation day.
He had a few of these stored away.
But this one he had never seen.

It was of (y/n) on their own, they were smiling happily but waving goodbye.
The bird flew off again.

The commander looked at the picture, tears pricking his eyes again.
Is this them saying goodbye?
His heart pounded, matching the loud echo of Levi's own.

Levi looked down, refusing to let anyone see him cry.

The bird returned again, this time a match between its beak.
It dropped the match, causing it to light and burn. It set the picture on fire.

Levi yelled, panicking and hitting it till the fire went out.
Erwin putting out the match and watching the frustrated captain.

But their efforts were pointless. Your face had been burnt from the picture.
Levi's shoulders jolted, dropping the Polaroid and turning to go back to bed.
Erwin following behind, defeated and ashamed at his efforts.

They stopped at the sound of a chirp. The bird.
The two turned in unison to see it holding a picture of everyone from that year.
Levi, Erwin, Hanji, (y/n) all cuddled up together as they pledged to celebrate every day as their last.
The bird dropped the picture to show another.
One taken by Sasha only a few weeks ago.
It still had Erwin, Levi, hanji and (y/n) in but it also had the new additions of Jean, Eren, Armin, mikasa, Connie and obviously Sasha too.

(Y/n) looked fascinated by the camera, almost forgetting it had existed.
Sasha was just about to drop the camera and Connie was going to catch it.
Jean and Eren were fighting and hanji looked to be taking notes.
Mikasa was trying to eat while Levi was cleaning his swords next to mikasa.
Erwin was at the back watching the scene and smirking to himself.

The bird squawked, dropping the last picture and turning to look at (y/n)
Levi could swear he saw it winked while Erwin was shocked that it nodded its head and smiled before flying away.

Is this a message?
The men turned to each other, looking just as confused as the other.
They picked up a picture each and looked up to see their precious captain had gone.

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