Mikasa's ending

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3rd PoV

"The royal council has come to a verdict. Captain (y/n) (l/n) you are deemed a value to the human race. You are put under the care of Commander Erwin under the condition that if you become a threat to anyone's life, you will leave immediately" the messenger smiles, as relief fills the room. The whole scout patrol jumped over their barricades to release the exhausted demon. Cheering, Levi carried the demon onto the carriage, everyone in tow.

Mikasa however was the last to leave, watching from a distance as the demon smiled at levi. A little voice in her head spoke
'They're probably not into women anyway, I would just forget this stupid obsession and move on. Focus on caring for Eren'

She gulped and signed, jogging after the group and joining the crowd.
Riding home, the squad helped (y/n) regenerate their health before celebrating with some of the meat in the back storage.
Mikasa ate at the end of the table next to Eren while (y/n) say at the opposite end. All heads were turned to (y/n) to listen to their stories.
Mikasa's head hung glum, watching the figure at the end of the table. She wasn't paying attention when a large form sat opposite her.
It's red eyes stared down at her before it picked up her fork from her hand and ate her meat.

She looked up and opened her mouth to shout back in protest but froze as her eyes met the chest of crocell. They slowly looked up until her eyes met his. How had no one seen this huge shadow demon sit on the table?
He chuckled.

"You seem glum, I quite like negative emotion so what's your troubles?" He smiled a wicked smile.
She shudders before quietly speaking.

"Why can no one else see you?"

His smile squashed down to a huff.
"Is that what's troubling you? Really? I'm a demon of illusion. I can create any illusion in certain people's minds, so I made one in yours. I also made one so no one else can hear or see you. So speak up, I can't be your issue because you were staring ever so longingly at something and I wanna know what and why?"
His snake like tongue brushed against his lips as his smile began to curl back up his face. Resting his elbow on the table and pushing his face onto it.

Mikasa squirmed in her seat, uncomfortable at the questions.

"Come on~ I'm a mythical being who is barely allowed to talk half the time, what can I do?" He hissed before Mikasa swallowed her pride.

"I-I really like the captain... but they probably don't like women" she muttered to Crocell.

Crocell smirked and giggled.
"That's pathetic. But you're right. They wouldn't like you"

Mikasa gasped and growled.
"I thought you were gonna help me" she hissed, making Crocell laugh harder.

"Help you?? Don't be stupid. Anyway, I'm out. Thanks for the entertainment." Crocell laughed as he stood, walking back over to the demon's body. Who was leaving with everyone else.

"Oh by the way, you really should get out of this staring habit it's kinda rude" he chuckled as his illusion disappeared and Mikasa was back in her seat, finishing off her meat. She blinked and looked around to see no one was even near her.
She picked up her food and ate the scraps before cleaning the plate and going to bed like everyone else.

(Y/n) PoV

I walked back into my room, Crocell giggling behind me as he followed. I shut my door before he materialised sitting on my desk in hysterics.

"Come on what did she say??" I bit my lip, begging him.

"You're both as love sick as the other. Cant tell who likes what gender. Pitiful human problems that are absolutely hysterical to me" he smirked.

My cheeks heated up as I heard him talk. I paced, biting my thumb.
Crocell rolled his eyes in boredom.
"Come on, get some sleep, we've had a big day. No need to worry your annoying head about this shit again" he said, pushing me into my bedroom and fusing his projection back into my body.

I yawned and nodded.
"Fine you win"

For the next week or so, mikasa wouldn't talk to me. She would always walk away or make small talk before getting called away. Plus with the the little parade behind my every step I could barely get any time alone with her. It even got to our next mission and I hadn't even said so much as a thank you for helping save me.
The mission was 'simple'. Claim some historic books and a couple animals that could tell us about the outer walls. Well that's what it's cover was it was more to test me and Titan boy to see how well we could defend eachother and the team.
Eren thought it was slightly barbaric but Erwin still wanted to go though with it.

And so we did, leaving in the morning to try and avoid the Titans at the gates waking up. Mikasa a couple metres behind me while me and Eren were in a group of our own.
I chose not to ride a horse while Eren had to.
We set off, walking through the gate and under a forest of Titan feet and faces. All frozen in the early morning sky. We all managed to clear the Titans and shut the gate before the sun rose over the tree tops. That's when we started running. I made a loop around the group and ended up at the back, watching the Titans behind us begin to move and have a couple look at us. Their smirks wide as a few pulled away from the wall. Most still attempting to climb it.

I looked forward to see Eren had already transformed and was pushing away some of the smaller Titans and tearing off their heads. My eyes scanned to see two more groups of Titans coming to our sides.
I cut my arms and let two large splatters of blood create huge 30 ft monsters with the ability to fight them. I grabbed my sword and jumped up, turning to see a group of 15 Titans running at my heels. My smirk grew wide as I got rid of them, moving faster than anyone could even see.

3rd PoV

(Y/n) was managing to take care of most of the Titans surrounding the group while Eren focused on pushing forward. But since both parties were distracted, one Titan got through the left side. It charged at the group, opening its mouth wide and swallowing Mikasa whole. She shrieked, not having a chance to pull out her swords.

(Y/n) heard this over everything else, eyes opening wide as they looked over their shoulder to the Titan closing its mouth.
Feeling nothing but rage, (y/n)'s body transformed into its full demonic form. They screamed, shooting terror into the hearts of humans and Titans alike.
They leaned over and grabbed the Titan's head, squeezing it till it exploded. They picked at its corpse before pulling Mikasa out the burning body. Titans began to climb their body but they didn't care, resting the woman in their hands and holding her up to her eyes.
She coughed, spitting out the stomach acid.
(Y/n) whimpered, their eyes scanning Mikasa to make sure she was okay.
Mikasa looked up, eyes wide at the demon. It took her a moment to process before the demon roared in pain, putting the girl down onto a cart before dealing with the Titans at their feet.

Hours after the mission had finished, the squad was back home, caring for the wounded and mourning their dead. (Y/n) was sat at their desk, reading the books they saved from the wreak.
A small knock at the door sounded through the room.

"Come in" the captain spoke, putting the books down and looking up to the door.
A shy figure opened the door.

"Ackerman, good to see you" they smiled wide.



I love you all so much
See you!!

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