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Momoko's p.o.v.

I was at my home watching some cartoons with my little sister on the couch while my dad is at work and my mom is cleaning the dishes in the kitchen. The girls and I moved back into our home with our families and after seeing the Professor, things were definitely a bit awkward when he, Ken, and Peach had to wear the chicken suits for a week including in public. But at least the week is over and they can finally do whatever they want now. Lets hope they don't blow themselves up again like last time.

"Hey sis, how did you and Brick first got together?" Kuriko asked me.

"Its sort of a long story Kuriko-chan" I answered.

"Can you please tell me!?" She gave me her puppy dog look and I sighed knowing she won't quit.

"Okay okay I'll tell you" I complied.

I began telling her the story on how me and Brick went on our first date together and throughout the time became a couple and now we're going steady. Kuriko had heart shaped eyes when I told her how he brought me to his secret place one time for a romantic picnic.

"Thats so romantic!" Kuriko squealed. "By the way, when is he gonna ask you the big question?"

"What big question?" I asked confusingly.

"You know what I'm talking about" Kuriko grinned while nudging my ribs playfully.

I slightly blushed from what she said because I know she meant whether Brick proposed to me or not. "N-No he didn't!"

"Well he better hurry up or I'll have everyone call him a huge chicken who's afraid of his own shadow" Kuriko snickered.

"Thats a hedgehog" I sweatdropped.

"Whatever well I'm gonna go over to Ken's and see if he's finally going to take a break from inventing" She got off the couch and headed out the door not before telling mom she's leaving and when the door closed, I heard my phone ding which indicated that I got a text message.

I checked my phone to see it was from Brick that read, "Meet me at the Rose Garden near the cherry blossom trees, I got a surprise for you and wear something formal". I pondered on why he wanted to meet me there but I pushed the thought aside and went upstairs to change. After I changed into something formal and fixed myself up, I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door right before I told my mom I'll be back soon.

When I got to the rose garden where the cherry blossom trees are, I noticed a huge harp near the trees and I slightly gasped at who was sitting next to the harp. She had short brown hair that was in a half ponytail while the rest of her hair is loose, violet purple eyes, wore a purple and white tank top, black low heels, mini black leather jacket, white leggings, grey flowing skirt, and her PPGZ belt was upgraded like mine.

"Jaz? Is that you?" I gasped in shock.

"Hey Momoko-chan! What's up!?" Jazmine greeted me.

I ran over to her and gave her a huge hug while she hugged back. Jazmine was the professor's daughter and Ken's biological older sister. She was the fourth purple PPGZ named Hopping Bunny. She got hit by the white light on her way to the book store so she's the brainiest out of all of us. She had to go to London because before the RRBZ took over the world, they were researching about a missing puff at the lab so she was sent there for her own protection. She's like a combination of all of us because of her smartness, sweetness, and coolness. When we broke the hug, I bombarded her with so many questions like "How was London?" and "Why did you came back without informing us?".

"Easy girl well London was pretty well and I even met my true love there and got together with him and I came back here without informing you guys to surprise you and help your lover with his surprise" Jazmine answered.

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