Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything! Everything belongs to crown172

Kaoru's p.o.v.


"Calm down Kaoru! I have a plan on stopping the RRBZ and finding the Professor, Ken, and Peach" Momoko said in a serious tone.

"You have a plan Momoko-san?" Miyako asked.

"And just what is this so called plan?" I crossed my arms.

"Its simple but first, we need to ask a certain villain from our past to help us" Momoko said.

"A certain villain from our past? Who is it Momoko-san?" Miyako asked.

"It better not be the Gangreen Gang is it?" I prayed that it won't be them.

"Don't worry, its not them. Its Sedusa" Momoko answered.

"Sedusa!?" Miyako and I shouted.

"That's right. We're gonna go back to New Townsville and find her since she's finally separated from Annie and became good and have her help us overthrow the boys" Momoko slightly smirked.

"Just what is she gonna help us with?" I asked.

"Oh you'll find out once we get back to New Townsville now let's go pack up first!" Momoko exclaimed.

"But what if someone knows we're coming back?" Miyako said with worry.

"They won't know Miyako now quit worrying. We just gotta hide our faces and no one will ever know" I reassured her.

"If you say so" Miyako said.

We all got off the couch and headed upstairs to our respected rooms. When I got to my room, I was greeted with the scent of green pears when I opened the door. The walls had light green wall paper and posters on them that were related to sports, a huge queen sized bed that matched my eyes, the carpet was white and fluffy, a huge plasma screen t.v. hung on my wall with all my favorite video games, my green laptop was on my computer desk, my huge beanbag chairs, a huge walk-in closet with all my tomboy clothes, and my lucky skateboard was rested near the wall. I pulled my suitcase out from under my bed and begin packing my things.

I was surely gonna miss this place because of how the islands were so peaceful and there were no monsters here to cause havoc in the city but sometimes it can be a bit boring without some action. The people here were pretty nice including the kids at school and some of the teachers. I never thought I'd say this but I'm actually gonna miss that place because not only do my female admirers look up to me, they all became pretty confident and learned to protect themselves so they won't be labeled weak to the males. Fiji became a second home to me but to tell you the truth, I really missed New Townsville. I missed my brothers, my parents, Miss Keane, the Mayor, Miss Bellum, even some of the villains. I just hope that Momoko's plan would work so we could save them all.

I finished packing up and after zipping up the suitcase, I looked around to see that my room is almost empty because of how much stuff I packed in my suitcase. The suitcases here were pretty cool because not only does the outside look normal size but on the inside, it can up to a billion items in here no matter what size. I gotta remember to figure out who invented this type of suitcase so I can thank them. I picked up my suitcase and after looking at my room one more time, exited the room and closed the door behind me.

I went downstairs and found Momoko and Miyako with their suitcases all packed up and ready. Momoko had airplane tickets in her hand and Miyako had a backpack strapped to her back.

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