Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything! It belongs to crown172

Ch. 4

Momoko's p.o.v.

The girls and I arrived at New Townsville Airport after our plane landed and we're now in a taxi heading over to Annie's place to meet her and Sedusa. Its been a while since we last saw Annie and now I wonder how her and Jason are doing. At least Sedusa got over him but she can be quite protective of Annie almost like an older sister since she thinks of Annie as a younger sister. I was pulled out of my thoughts when the girls told me we arrived at Annie's place and when we paid the taxi driver and thanked him, we got our stuff and went inside. Everything was the same just like 3 years ago except that there were some changes on the wallpaper and there were more sweets being served which were labeled one of the best. I noticed a plaque above the walls that read, "Best Cafe in New Townsville" in golden letters.

I ordered a table for the girls and I and we sat down waiting for Annie to arrive. She came in wearing the same uniform that we made her 3 years ago and when she saw us, she slightly gasped at the sight of us.

"Momoko-chan! Miyako-chan! Kaoru-chan!" Annie replied in shock.

"Its been a while huh Annie?" I smiled.

"Y-Yes it has been, how are you girls? I haven't seen you 3 in so long!" Annie slightly stuttered but calmed down.

"Sorry we haven't been here in a while Annie, we were visiting a relative and we had to stay there for a while because of a family thing" Kaoru lied.

"Oh that's alright girls but I'm glad to see you 3 again, would you like anything?" Annie smiled.

"We'll have 3 zebra cakes and green tea please" I replied.

"Coming right up!" Annie said as she went back inside the kitchen to prepare the meal.

"Annie looked so pretty!" Miyako said.

"I noticed that her hair had gotten longer" Kaoru said.

"Yeah, its starting to reach her waist now" I answered.

"Here is your green tea" a voice said.

We turned our heads and saw Sedusa putting our green tea on the table. Her hair was still the same but she wore a red frilly apron over her outfit which matched her shoes and when she looked up to see us, she gasped in shock.

"I-It can't be" Sedusa whispered. "H-How are you 3 alive?"

"We'll tell you later and we need to ask you something thats very important" I whispered to her.

She nodded and after getting over her shock, Annie placed the zebra cakes on our table and some strawberry shortcake next to it.

"Its on the house" Annie winked at us as she and Sedusa went back inside the kitchen.

"Arigato!" we told her. "Itadakimasu!"

Our eyes turned to stars after tasting the zebra cake and the strawberry shortcake. Annie makes the best sweets in town which was why we always come here after school to have a snack or drink here. I really missed her sweets here because eating her sweets is like being in heaven. After we finished our meal and drank our green tea, Sedusa pulled a chair and sat across from us with a serious expression on her face.

"I'm on break today so you 3 better explain" Sedusa said.

"Okay Sedusa, after the RRBZ knocked us out the Professor scared them away with his chemical z beams and brought us to the lab to get healed. He asked us to leave New Townsville and live somewhere far away while he makes everyone think that we died" I explained.

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