Chapter 18

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Miyako's p.o.v.

Today, Kaoru-san and I are at the mansion where Boomer-kun and his brothers live in. It was a huge 4 story white mansion with a door that had designs on the glass and there was a garden around the house filled with beautiful roses in different colors and a huge fountain on the middle of the path. There were trees lined up across from the path and I learned that they bloomed into cherry blossom trees in the spring which made the place really pretty. A huge wall surrounded the mansion's area with a gate in the front that was silver and it stood 10 feet tall so it'll be impossible for someone to climb over it.

Kaoru-san and I are sitting down on the couch waiting for Boomer and Butch who are in the kitchen getting us some snacks and drinks. After we went out on our date, we learned that it was past 10:00 and the boys offered for us to spend the night at their home since its dangerous to be out really late so I accepted the offer but Kaoru was gonna complain so I gave her look and she shut her mouth and grumbled and said fine which made Butch happy.

"Why are we staying here again?" Kaoru asked for the 100th time.

"Its dangerous to walk back home at a night like this and you have to be nice to Butch since we went on a double-date with the boys in order for Butch to be happy again because of what you said yesterday" I said in a calm tone.

"I already apologized to him! What more do you want me to do!?" Kaoru groaned.

"Make sure that Butch is happy and that you will be nice to him for the whole day and no insulting got it?" I slightly scolded.

"Whatever" Kaoru grumbled.

I sighed at her attitude and then realized that we forgot to tell Momoko that we were gonna spend the night here. I got my phone out of my pocket, dialed her phone number, and put the phone near my ear while it rings.

"Hello?" I heard her say in a tired voice.

"Momoko-chan, its Miyako. Kaoru-san and I are gonna spend the night here at the RRBZ's mansion. Will you be all right by yourself?" I asked her.

"Don't worry Miyako. I'll be all right by myself but make sure that Kaoru doesn't do anything stupid okay?" she said.

"Got it Momoko-chan!" I answered.

"Good well I'm going back to sleep now good night" she said.

"Good night" I told her.

She hanged up the phone and I put back my phone in my pocket.

"Was that Momoko?" Kaoru asked.

"Yes it was her. I told her that we were gonna spend the night here so she wouldn't worry about us not coming home" I answered.

"Oh okay" Kaoru replied.

"We're back!" we heard Boomer and Butch yell.

Boomer was holding a tray full of sliced coconut cream pies on a plate and Butch carried a tray full of milk tea. They gently put the trays on the table and sat across from us.

"Help yourselves to the snack" Boomer said.

"Arigato Boomer-kun, they look really lovely" I answered as I grabbed a plate including a napkin and fork.

"You're welcome and thank you" he smiled.

I took a bite of the pie and my eyes were filled with happiness and sparkles.

"Its so delicious! Did you made this pie Boomer-kun?" I asked with joy.

"Hehe yeah I did. I'm glad you liked it Miyako-chan" he slightly blushed.

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