Chapter 24

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Two years later

Miyako's p.o.v.

I was in the kitchen helping my grandmother prepare some stew for lunch. Two years have passed ever since the girls and I had dated the RRBZ and we're really lucky to date them. During those first two years, the girls and I became closer to the boys ever than before and we all changed too. The girls and I developed goddess like figures and our chest and bottom grew too much to Kaoru's dismay since she hates it. The boys developed god like bodies and we would always blush whenever we see them shirtless. Anyways, we even visited the Professor, Ken, and Peach but the surprise we were given was a bit weird though.

Flashback when they were 16:

Momoko, Kaoru, and I were jogging toward the lab after spending a lot of time with our families so we could see the Professor, Ken, and Peach again since we missed them so much! Since we're 16, Ken must be 11 like Momoko and Kaoru's younger siblings and I'm pretty sure the Professor must've aged too. When we got to the door, it opened for us and we ran inside the lab where we find a scene that made us stop and look at them with wide eyes.

The Professor, Ken, and Peach were all in chicken costumes and they even had a beak with it. Their faces were painted with make-up and they all had embarrassing looks on their faces. I covered my mouth to refrain from giggling and Momoko did the same thing but Kaoru laughed out loud at the scene while clutching her stomach which made the guys become red.

"The RRBZ made us wear them okay!?" Ken shouted while blushing from embarrassment.

"We would love to hug you girls and all but we don't want any of our feathers on you" the Professor said as he showed us his chicken costume.

"This is so embarrassing da wan" Peach muttered.

"I think you guys look adorable" I said while trying to stop myself from giggling.

"I can't believe the boys would make you wear those costumes" Momoko slightly laughed.

"It was blackmail!" Ken yelled as his face became red.

"What Ken meant was that they would only release us if we wear these chicken costumes for the whole week and we had to agree with it so we could see you girls again" the Professor slightly sweatdropped.

"Remind me to thank the boys later hehe" Kaoru said after she calmed down but still laughing a little bit.

Flashback over:

It was the most funniest thing in the whole wide world but I did kinda felt bad for them but at least they're done wearing them. After the boys gave us our surprises, we gave them a gift by wearing our most cutest bikinis much to Kaoru's dismay since she didn't want to wear one but we made her and the boys wouldn't stop drooling at us that they decided to have us in the jacuzzi with them at their mansion so they'll be the only ones to look at us and not anyone else.

"Miyako-chan, could you please cut the tomatoes?" my grandmother asked me.

"Of course grandmother" I said politely as I began cutting the tomatoes.

After we both finished making the stew, I set the table up and we began to eat the stew which was delicious in my opinion. We finished eating and cleaned the dishes but before I could go upstairs, my grandmother stopped me.

"Miyako-chan, I forgot to let you know that Boomer-kun wants you to meet him at the park today in 1 hour" she said.

"Arigato grandma" I thanked her.

I went upstairs and changed into some good clothes, fixed myself up, grabbed my stuff, and headed out the door straight toward the park where Boomer was waiting for me. When I got there, I looked around and noticed that I was the only one here but no Boomer.

"I wonder where he could be?" I wondered.

I looked around and noticed a sunflower on the ground and when I went over to it and picked it up, there was another one in front of me. I picked it up and soon there was a trail of sunflowers that were leading me somewhere and after picking up the last sunflower, I looked up and saw the most breathtaking sight ever.

There was a huge beautiful crystal clear blue lake that made the water remind me of sapphire. A white blossom tree was next to it and there were so many cute animals running around the flowery fields that the sight just took my breath away.

"What do you think?" a husky voice said.

I turned my head and found Boomer wearing a fancy outfit and he was giving me a gentle smile.

"Its beautiful! Did you put the sunflowers on the ground?" I asked him.

"Why yes I did so I could ask you a very important question" Boomer answered.

"What important question?" I tilted my head as I set the sunflowers next to the lake.

"Miyako Gotokouji, ever since we first met, we were once enemies to you and your friends but now we all changed and began to love each other more than anything else. I never thought that we could be together forever but now here we are still together and our bond is stronger than anything else. I love you with all my heart Miyako-chan, you are my light, my hope, my destiny, my life, my soul mate! I wanna be with you forever and stay by your side no matter what!"

He got down on one knee and brought out a velvet box and opened it which revealed a silver ring with little diamonds that are shaped like bubbles all around the ring with a huge aquamarine stone in the middle.

"Will you marry me my bubble queen?" he said with a voice full of hope.

"YES! YES I WILL MARRY YOU!" I squealed in joy as I tackled him in a hug and kissed him on the lips. When we broke apart, Boomer slid the ring on my middle finger and I awed at how beautiful it was. I gave him another kiss and hugged him while resting my head against his chest.

"I love you Boomer-kun" I whispered to him.

"I love you too Miyako-chan" he whispered back.

This has got to be the best day of my life!
The Second to the last chapter is here just wait for the final chapter!!!!


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