Chapter 10

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Here's the other chappie!!!
This is the last time I'll repeat this note!!! THIS STORY DOES NOT BELONG TO ME IT BELONGS TO CROWN172 FROM
Momoko's p.o.v.

The girls and I were at the cottage discussing over our plan on what we're gonna do to the RRBZ during our date. During lunchtime, Icey learned about how we had to go on a date with the RRBZ because if we didn't then they were gonna hurt Chloe and the others and she was definitely mad at those boys.


"THEY WHAT!?" Icey yelled in anger.

The other members were in complete shock after learning of the boys bribing us and some were trying to calm down Icey and refraining her from killing the RRBZ. The rest gave us looks of pity since we have to go on a date with those playboys and they were also mad that they were gonna hurt their member.

"I DON'T CARE IF ITS ILLEGAL OR NOT! I AM GOING TO KILL THOSE HEARTBREAKERS! NOBODY TRIES TO HURT MY ORGANIZATION AND FAMILY AND GET AWAY WITH IT!" Icey grabbed a huge scythe and stalked toward the door but the seniors quickly held her back while the other 2 blocked the door so she wouldn't go.

"Wait a minute Miss Icey! The girls and I have a plan to make sure those boys don't fall for us!" I exclaimed.

Icey began calming down after I told her this and she crossed her arms over her chest and rose an eyebrow. "And how are you gonna make them not fall for you?"

"Its simple, if they try to flirt with us then we flirt with them back but reject them harshly" I slightly smirked.

"Rejecting them harshly sounds nice but what if they don't fall for it?" Icey asked.

"They'll fall for it once we give them an insult and wear some outfits that'll make them drool over us but they'll be angry once they realize they can't touch us" Miyako giggled.

"Really? How are you gonna do that?" Icey said confusingly.

"Let's just say we know someone who's helping us trying to overthrow those punks and help women dominate over men and relax, she's a female too" Kaoru answered.

"I like the sound of that" Icey smiled in a mischievous way. "Hold on, since you girls are going on a date with those boys then I'll have to send one of my members to keep an eye on you girls so those womanizers won't take advantage of you or anything"

"Oh you don't have to do that Miss Icey" I said.

"Nonsense I must. You maidens are part of our family and we must look out for one another no matter what. I don't want those jerks to do anything improper to you or they shall lose their family jewels permanently!" Icey said with venom on that word.

"I like the sound of that" Kaoru grinned evilly.

"Miss Icey-sama! Lunch is about to end soon!" Princess called out to her.

"Thank you for letting us know about it Princess-chan! Go get your stuff and head to your next class ladies and girls, say hi to Miss Sedusa to me" Icey smirked as she and all the girls left the room.

End of Flashback:

We were pretty much in shock that Icey knew about Sedusa. When school ended and when we went to Annie's place, we asked Sedusa about how Icey knew her and Sedusa pretty much surprised us again.

Another Flashback:

"Looks like she remembered me" Sedusa slightly giggled.

"Wait, you knew Icey?" I asked in disbelief.

"That's correct. I once met her during my times as a villain when I saved her from a couple of thugs who were gonna mug her and probably assault her" Sedusa explained.

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