Chapter 19

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The next day

Momoko's p.o.v.

The girls and I were walking toward to school since our weekend is over. So far, we keep forgetting our plan to overthrow the RRBZ but now we don't know if we could still follow the plan because of how the boys told us that they were really sorry and that they loved us so much it made our hearts slightly break when we witnessed them crying in front of us. The girls and I are supposed to make sure that we help all the girls dominate over the boys at our school in order to overthrow the RRBZ but so far, we haven't came up with a good plan yet. Guess I should ask Sedusa for some good advice.

"Momoko-chan? Are you okay?" Miyako looked at me with worry.

"I'm alright Miyako-chan, don't worry about me" I reassured her.

"You've been thinking a lot Momoko, are you hiding something from us?" Kaoru crossed her arms.

"No I'm not Kaoru, I'm just thinking about following our plan" I said.

"Oh" she replied.

"I nearly forgot about the plan" Miyako sheepishly said.

"We can ask Sedusa after school for some advice" I offered.

"Sounds good" Kaoru said.

"I agree" Miyako answered.

I smiled and we soon made it to school on time. We got inside the building and found Sallie and the other girls chatting with one another near their lockers. Gina locked eyes with us and she waved at us with a smile and the other girls did the same like she did. Before we walked over to them, we felt a hand on our shoulder and the girls and I turned around and came face to face with the RRBZ.

"Can we help you?" Kaoru replied with a bored tone.

"Shouldn't you be happy seeing us?" Butch mocked with a fake hurt tone.

"Sorry but we don't have your teddy bears" I slightly scoffed.

"We didn't came for our teddy bears, we came to see our lovers" Brick slightly smirked at me.

"Again your teddy bears aren't here" Miyako sighed.

"Our lovers aren't teddy bears Miyako-chan, its you girls" Boomer chuckled.

Before we could utter a reply, they grabbed our waists and placed their lips on us. I slightly gasped at what they did which made Brick force his tongue down my mouth and taste me. Then, I heard a low growl and the boys were pushed off of us and the girls and I slightly shivered at seeing our friends covered in a really dark aura.



"IF YOU EVER MESS WITH OUR FAMILY?!...." Gina shouted with malice.

"WE WON'T GIVE YOU ANY MERCY!" Wendy finished as she glared at them.

They grabbed our hands and led us away from them before the boys could utter a remark. We were led toward the secret basement where the other members are including Miss Icey and when we went inside, we found Icey talking with Duchess who had Princess sitting next to her sister.

"Greetings Icey-sama" we all greeted.

"Greetings ladies, I want you to meet Princess Morebucks older sister Duchess Morebucks who just told me an interesting story" Icey motioned Duchess to tell them.

Soon all the other members came and sat on the floor to hear the story and Duchess began to speak.

"Well when I was in the prison cell, I thought that I was never gonna see my family again and possibly die until I saw the red PPGZ Blossom who was alive and she freed me from the prison cell and gave me a device to teleport me back home which worked and I assume that not only she could be alive but the other PPGZ might be alive also" Duchess explained.

Everyone minus me and my friends gasped in shock that the PPGZ could be alive again. The girls and I pretended to have a tear run down our cheek to make them believe that we were crying full of happiness.

"If Blossom is alive then Bubbles and Buttercup could be alive too!" Gina gasped.

"Momoko, Miyako, and Kaoru's friends are actually alive!" a senior girl said in shock.

"That's great! With the PPGZ back, they could help us overthrow the RRBZ!" Wendy exclaimed.

"Hold on ladies, we should first ask them to help us dominate the males in this school so we could help give them their weak points" Icey explained.

"Yeah you're right! Well Momoko, Miyako, and Kaoru, can you girls transform into the PPGZ and help us rule the school?" Chloe smirked at us.

The girls and I slightly paled from what she said.

"Before you girls ask, yes we figured out who you girls are and no we aren't mad just relieved that you're still trying to help save the world and overthrow the RRBZ so you could save your family. We totally understand that" Sallie calmed us down.

"And you saved my sister so I thank you for helping me" Princess bowed down.

"Does anyone else know who we are?" I gulped.

"Just us so don't worry about it little sakura. As long as the RRBZ don't figure out who you are then we are good" Icey said.

"Yeah heh heh" the girls and I nervously laughed.

"They know who you girls are didn't they?" Icey asked.

"Sadly yes" the girls and I said.

Icey facepalmed while everyone else sweatdropped because of our antics.

"Looks like we'll need Sedusa to help us" Icey muttered.

Brick's p.o.v.

My brothers and I were in our seats in our 1st hour class since we're early and we were talking about how to deal with the Black Roses since they wouldn't let us kiss our girlfriends.

"I vote we send them off to Timbuktu!" Butch exclaimed.

"Or we could convince them that we really love our girls and we would never do anything to hurt them" Boomer suggested.

Butch and I gave him a weird look and he said, "What?"

"Boomer, they hate us more than they hate all the boys at this school" I sweat-dropped.

"Oh yeah I forgot" Boomer sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

"Seriously, how are we gonna deal with them if we can't figure out who their leader is!?" Butch complained.

"I don't know Butch but instead of getting rid of them, why don't we form a truce with them?" I suggested.

"Are you nuts!? They would never do that!" Butch shouted.

"Should we try?" Boomer asked.

"Yes we should Boomer and its the only way Butch in order to be on their good side so they'll realize that we are good boyfriends to the girls" I answered.

"I still think its a bad idea" Butch frowned as he crossed his arms.

The bell rang for class to start and everyone came in and went to their seats including the girls and we paid attention to the lesson, unaware that our conversation was overheard by the leader of the Black Roses.

"Since they love the girls, they should prove it to us so we can see if they are worthy to become their boyfriends" Icey thought in her head.
5 more chappies to go!!!!


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