Chapter 12

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Hey guys! It's time for.......... THE BECT CHAPTER!!!!! YAY!!!!! I feel sick today so I didn't go to school and now I'm here updating the next chappie of Runaway from Love. =D

Kaoru's p.o.v.

When Momoko and I saw Miyako walking toward the oak tree with Boomer by her side, I was in complete anger and glared at the blue ruff while Momoko was in complete shock and confusion. After they both stopped in front of us, he kissed her cheek and headed toward the lunch table where his brothers were with a slight grin on his face. I gotta remind myself to punch that guy for kissing my friend.

"What the heck Miyako!?" Momoko slightly exclaimed at her.

"Its not what you think girls!" Miyako waved her hands in front of us.

"Not what we think!? Why were you walking with Boomer and why didn't you stop him from kissing your cheek!?" I slightly growled.

I heard her sighed and sat down in front of us and explained to us what happened to her encounter with Boomer and we slightly gasped in shock.

"How do they know about our families!?" Momoko asked with disbelief.

"He told me that they did some research on us and found information about our families" Miyako said with sadness.

"If they dare try to lay a finger on my family, I'm gonna murder them!" I shouted with anger.

"We can't threaten them Kaoru! They'll hurt our families if we try to harm them so we need to figure out a plan to not only free the Professor, Ken, Peach, and Duchess but our families too!" Momoko answered.

"I hope that they're all alright" Miyako said with worry.

"Me too" I answered.

"Looks like lunch is gonna end in 5 minutes. I brought some leftover food for you Miyako since you forgot to get your lunch from your locker" Momoko replied as she gave Miyako some leftovers from last night.

"Arigato Momoko-chan" Miyako politely thanked her.

She quickly ate the leftovers and after finishing her food, the bell rang for lunch to end and we all went to our lockers and headed toward our next class where our friends are. When we got there, we saw the RRBZ talking with one another near our desks and when Boomer saw Miyako, his face lit up and motioned her to come to him. I saw her lower her head down and slowly walk toward him but Momoko and I stopped her and glared at him. He frowned at what we did and his brothers turned around and I gave them an evil glare which slightly frightened them.

"Stay away from our friend freckle face or else!" I threatened him.

"You can't do that since I'm her boyfriend and she must be with me if she wants to see her grandmother" Boomer frowned.

"Why can't you boys just leave us alone!? We don't want to be with men like you!" Momoko glared at them.

"We all know that isn't true Momoko-chan. If you girls think that men aren't important then why do you girls care about your dads then?" Brick smirked at her.

"They're the only men we can trust!" she shot back.

"Is that so? Then would you girls be mad if anything bad happened to your dads?" Butch smirked evilly.

"If you lay a finger on them I won't hesitate to kill you!" I growled at him.

"My, such big words coming from the tomboy of the group. You need to calm down kitty" Butch purred.

"What did you call me!?" I growled with anger.

"I called you kitty since you have sharp claws and you like to be pretty feisty! Just my type" He winked at me.

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