“The doctors did a lot of scans and investigations when they admitted her after…you know…” Chaeyoung trailed off, not wanting to directly refer to the events that had followed their group date when Jisoo had stayed over and woken to find Lisa, in the midst of a nightmare with her nose bleeding heavily.

“Everything came back normal according to her mom. The scans didn’t show anything new and her blood work was all clear.”

“Is she still getting the nosebleeds?” Somi questioned with interest.

“Not as much,” Chaeyoung replied. “She had one a couple of days ago but they’re nowhere near as bad as they used to be. The doctors are hoping that changing the Aspirin and Naproxen she takes to something else will stop them from happening in future.”

“I can’t believe they admitted her,” Jisoo said wretchedly. “She hates that place…she was so scared that’s what would happen…”

“Jisoo you did the right thing,” Chaeyoung reassured her.

“It doesn’t feel like it,” Jisoo replied.

“Sometimes I wish I’d just done as she’d asked and kept my mouth shut.”

“Well, I’m glad that you didn’t,” Chaeyoung admitted genuinely. “I could have killed her when I found out what happened. I thought she was getting better at sharing things with us…I don’t understand why she’d hide something that could have potentially been really serious…”

“She was terrified,” Jisoo interjected. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her look so scared in the whole time that I’ve known her. She couldn’t bear the idea of having to go back in to hospital and look what happened…”

“Lalisa will realise that it was for the best,” Somi offered. “She knows you were only doing what you thought was right Jisoo. You were worried about her…”

“I’m a complete traitor in her eyes though,” Jisoo cut Somi off. “The seizures…they weren’t planned…so…she had to go back in to hospital. She had no choice in the matter, but, this, it was something she could control and I took that from her.” She paused for a moment to look between Somi and Chaeyoung before continuing. “Now look what’s happened.” Jisoo went on. “We can’t even hang out together anymore. I mean, it’s Wednesday and you’ll be with Lisa,” she said nodding in Chaeyoung’s direction, “and I’ll be with Somi and Jennie. It’ll be the first Wednesday since the start of the school year that we’ve not all spent together…well, except when we were with family last week for the holiday.”

“Jisoo this isn’t your fault,” Chaeyoung told her squeezing her shoulder sympathetically. “You’ve tried to talk to her…”

“I know and look where that’s gotten me,” Jisoo interrupted. “Absolutely nowhere. She still won’t even acknowledge my presence half the time.”

“I’ll try talking to her again,” Chaeyoung promised.

“No don’t,” Jisoo told her firmly. “I really don’t want to cause any problems for the two of you.” She said sincerely. “Lalisa needs someone around and she’ll push you away if you try to force her hand. She’s so stubborn sometimes…”

“You’re telling me,” Chaeyoung muttered in understanding.

“Please just…make sure she’s alright, ok?” Jisoo asked. “Promise me that you’ll look out for her?”

“I promise,” Chaeyoung told Jisoo compassionately, a sad smile on her lips. “You know that I will Jisoo.”

“I know,” she agreed. “Thank you for keeping me informed with everything that has been going on with her.” Jisoo continued appreciatively. “I’ve been worrying myself sick thinking up all the possible things that could be wrong. It scared the crap out of me to see her like that….there was blood everywhere…” Chaeyoung squeezed Jisoo’s shoulder kindly before moving her hand down and placing it on top of the other girls’.

Trials and Tribulations [Chaelisa]Where stories live. Discover now