Chapter 38: I wish you can hear me

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"Are you a woman? Harder! you fight like a girl don't be a coward!" 

Edward was anxious about Sky they have been practicing swordsmanship for hours now. And Xavier looks like a robot, his unpredictable, it's already afternoon and Luna is still not awake. The lions have locked up in the cage again and they were not fed since yesterday. He's torturing everyone in the pack especially his second in command.

"Boss, the doctor said her body just needs to recuperate." Sky said between the spar of their swords he was not trying to fight with the boss he was trying all his might to shield every attack from the boss as his strikes went stronger and more fierce, Sky's hand was already numb he left no choice but to stumble away as he surrenders the sword.

"Pick it up." His voice was gruff and cold as he glares at Sky for giving up.

 Edward pick the sword and went to help Sky "But boss we've been doing this for -"  

"Do you want to help your brother?" Xavier interrupts as he glared daggers on his delta 

Sky pleads with his eyes 'Brother you have to take my place, we've been fighting side by side.' of all times he was the one who always suffers in every torment that the boss gives them. He was their ultimate punching bag.

"What happened?"  

All head turn to the owner of the voice Edward and Sky cried in delight.

"Luna you're awake!" The two cried in unison their eyes shredding imaginable tears.

"I want to go home." She shrugs them off her shoulder and said bluntly, Xavier's expression worsens upon hearing her words. 'Why is she asking to go home? This is her home."

Sky shudder at the atmosphere 'Luna you must think carefully of your words, it may cause the boss a bad mood.' Sky keeps his words to himself he can't afford to get beaten enough.

"This is your home." Xavier threw the sword at Edward not caring whether he gets hurt or not. He walked closer to his mate who was only in a sleeping gown. 'Curse this woman for being an idiot' He put his arms on her shoulder and usher her inside the house. 

"Where are we?" Harper asked as she surveys the surrounding, no one was there except the four of them and everything was so noiseless and peaceful.

"Our home." his only reply as he drags her inside back their room

'Did you mean this is your home with that woman?' she wished to ask him but it pained her to hear him flirt with her while thinking of another woman.

'Xavier do you really love that woman, that you could sacrifice me for power.' her brain kept playing the gamma's words 

"Who let you out?" Xavier glared at the lions that were eating meat on the sofa

"I did, they kept crying." Harper smiled at the sight the cushion was a mess, scratch and blood were everywhere. 'My babies such a good boy.' She praised the lions inside her head smirking

"Do you think they're pets?!" Xavier's voice was getting louder at the sight. He just bought a new one and it was already dirty and destroyed. 'Serves your right.' She cursed Xavier on her head.

"Yea, tell me about it, I can ask you the same thing." She rolled her eyes step away from the man his being a hypocrite. It was he who raised them and yet here he is, acting like the neighbor inimical of her raising the lion.

 It was not their fault for getting hungry. It was the owner's fault for being careless. 

The man sighed in distress he can't ignore it any longer. "Co' mere," he notices her change of attitude after she wakens, he couldn't help but get anxious at her new attitude, they were back to square one again and he can't read her thoughts. 'Why is it when you take a step you have to take a step back?' He thought 

Harper doesn't like him close she's was about to move away again but he pulled her close and brought her to their room.

"Why did you not tell me?" 

She steps away from him looking at him with those eyes, Eyes that hold nothing it holds nothing it was empty.

"Do I need to tell you something?"



"I hate this." Xavier pulls his hair in distress it irritates him when he can't read her.

"Get use to it." She sighed, and sat on the unmade bed she took off her shoes her body is still weak it was still recuperating and her head is aching so she needs to sleep.

"Why did you not tell me they're trying to kill you? I told you being a servant will give you nothing but an enemy." He went closer in front of her

"Xavier....."She whispered "Your pack is rubbish." she continued before crawling away from him and went inside the covers trying to avoid further discussions and her headaches weren't helping any better.

Sadness gushed on him like a painful needle piercing his heart but she told nothing but the truth,

Her actions were as a fire to him lightning his burning desire. Since she was wearing a nightgown when she crawled the fabric rolled up exposing her behind, His eyes darken at the sight he saw and he cleared his voice before saying "Then help me clean our pack you can do everything you want with it." 

'Did this woman forget that she's on her nighties dress?' She was the only woman who can hurt his pride yet aroused him at the same time.

He waited for her to answer but he never received one he went to her side and sat on the bed.  

The Light from outside illuminates her face and he sat there and did nothing to disturb her and survey her features. Her breathing went slow and even, And Xavier smirks at her like a devil creeping on her sleep.

"Wife, are you seducing me? Don't you know that you're so enticing right now? Are you inviting me in?"  

Xavier's smirks grew as he saw her expression change 'Such a tease,' he knows she's pretending to sleep but he doesn't want to embarrass her. 

"Are you asleep?" He asked as he caressed her, he tucks her hair on her ears with such longing.

"Or trying to sleep? Join me for dinner at 7 pm tonight I want to give you something." He kissed her forehead and pull the covers closer and made sure she won't get cold.

He whispered something before he went out of the room, He was staring at the sleeping figure with so much love, Lust, and fondness 

This time harper didn't hear him, it was such a waste that her wolf hearing was not back yet.

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