Chapter 5: She already have a son

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Kristina's POV

"Alpha more and more scent of rouges were detected outside our borders." My best warrior reported to me this early morning. I'm being restless right now especially because Xavier isn't here with me.

I woke up from my sleep 2 days ago. I went straight to my office because Xavier's scent was so strong and thought that he slept in there that night but I only received his letter saying that they were summoned back to their pack to solve some pack problems that occurred.

It has been 2 days. I'm getting annoyed and bored. My wolf whimpered at the absence of her mate just as I was about to leave my office my telephone rang.

"Hello, this is Alpha Kristina from moonlight pack," I answered bored, who would be calling at this time of an hour.

"I know baby." A very familiar voice said. I smiled and rolled my eyes of course who else can it be? He must have just woke up his voice is hoarse

"I thought you're already dead," I asked sounding surprise

"I'm sorry I just contacted you just now I was very busy in here," he answered then yawned

"I do not give a fuck I have busy schedules too. More scent of rouges was caught outside our packs border just now I don't know what they're plotting to do but I'm gonna make sure it's not going to happen. So if you mind hanging up and die." I sighed

"My dear wife you're already accepting your husband calling it OURS." He chuckled

"Want me to turn off this call," I said warning him.

"I'm gonna send my warriors there to guard the perimeter." He said seriously

"Xavier I don't like you doing stuff like this for me. I can handle my own matter."

"It doesn't matter, I will not risk your life." He said

"I don't need anyone protecting me I can protect myself I'll prove it to you," I answered annoyed

"Xav baby whose that?" a very slutty voice was heard in the background how dare he.

"I see you're busy whoring around. I'm sorry Mr. Ryle but I have a hectic schedule and no time to waste on void things." I said in disgust full of anger and pain. I turned off the call and stopped myself from crying like a pathetic school girl. I collected myself and gathered all my emotions. I stood up and went out of my office to the security room. The guards were surprised to see me there without an announcement "Alpha!" They all greeted and bowed down at the same time.

This room is full of computers that monitored the CCTV that was installed in the pack land.

I pushed the red button to send the alarm and spoke on the microphone.

"Attention everyone this is alpha Harper all pack members I repeat all pack members are summoned to the battleground all should be lined and be grouped by age and gender. Group the elders and pregnant women and have them seated on a chair." I announced

"You all don't have to come to make sure you won't leave your sight on the screen guard every perimeter if something bad is detected automatically contact me," I told them then went out straight to my room to change into my battle suit. It's all in black it perfectly fits me showing off my curve the fabrics sticking in my skin like another layer.

Everyone was already in the pack-ground, the elders and pregnant women were seated comfortably on a chair, the toddlers were grouped and happily sitting on the ground children they are so innocent and cute they still don't get what's happening right now. They are guarded by one warrior to stop them from wandering around and crossing the borderline. The kids from the age of 9 to 17 were grouped based on the genders the same as for the 18 and above. From my beta, delta, gamma, and other high rankings of my pack stand beside me in front of the crowd.

"As an Alpha and the leader of this pack it is my responsibility and my duty to protect this pack, as a mother I want my children to be safe and unharmed and protected. As a family I only want a peaceful life to live with our loved ones. I summoned all of you to gather around here to discuss and tell you all the possibilities that may occur. More and more scent of rouges are detected outside of our borders" murmuring was heard as I speak

I continued to say, "we don't know what they are scheming at I told you this stuff not to make you scared nor to make you panic we do not want the past to happen again I could not shift back then because of the previous war, which I sincerely apologize I have let you down at those crucial time. I want us all to be prepared if there will be a chaos that I hope not gonna happen." I paused

"I'm gonna assign these people to train with you all," I said, pointing to the high rankings beside me. "Children, the elders, pregnant women, and others who could not fight should know the drill when those times occur. Before I assign the trainers I would like to hear the voice of the crowd." I said, ending my speech.

"Alpha, what age can join the front lines and fight in the actual battle?" A teenager asked and raised his hand.

"We do not lack warriors. But those who volunteer to fight can register their name to Mr. Gabriele." I answered after answering some of their questions they all went quiet.

"Beta Ysha is assigned to train the 18 years old and above female, Delta Maxx is assigned to train the 18 years old and above male. The gamma and the best top warriors are assigned to train the front liners and those who volunteered to fight in the battle, any objections?" I announced, after that, all of them were dismissed to continue their duties and chores.

I was about to have a run to give Ashly freedom when someone from the securities mind linked me. "Alpha a car has entered our land with the highest speed going to where you are standing ." Just as he finished his words the car parked in front of me came out the mighty king Xavier Ryle.

"My dear wife, did you miss me?" Xavier asked smiling as he went to my way I look at him bluntly face not answering his question

"Krissy let me explain, it's not what you think it is, that was victoria she was I mean were my fling when I haven't met you. I cut my ties with her ever since I found you."

"Xavier you're really an idiot. If what you said was real. Why was she there then?" I asked

"Uh obviously she came looking for me." he laughed he still has the power to laugh it out

." XAVIER RYLE!" I yelled my blood running in my head. I attempted to punch him in his face again but stopped when he spoke.

"Wait, wait... are you jealous?" he asked

"You are under observation mode right now," I said as I crossed my hands

"Don't worry my wife, I love jealous women. You're not comparable to her; she's just a shoe to you, my queen." He coaxes

"Tsk," I said, rolling my eyes and leaving him to visit the packhouse. He may have those charms but I'm not sweep on my feet at that, it's just the mate bond working on us and nothing else.

"I have already disposed of her and exiled her from our pack my queen no need to be mad." He said following behind me.

I did not answer him and just smiled to myself.

"Alpha we're almost out of stock for food." Mary, our cook reported.

"Give me the list aunty I'll go grocery later after breakfast," I said she then bowed then left to fetch it, something bumped on my legs then hugged me down there. "Mommy I missed you." Jace, my 6 year's old son, greeted.

"Young master! Young master." Came the guards I have assigned to protect him. They bowed down surprised. "Alpha we are terribly sorry to trouble you, young master has come looking for you as soon as we arrived," they said, still bowing their head down.

"Lead the pack hunt, alphas order, we need 3 heads good for a month consumption you all will receive a reward afterward," I commanded they nod and left in a hurry to do what they've been told.

"He- his your son? You have a son?!" Xavier came in front of us with an unreadable face. I burst on laughing as I carry Jace in my arms facing the child in front of him.

Alpha Xavierحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن