Chapter 45: Defenseless Xavier

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"Master I would like to share a toast too."  The gamma's second in command approached Xavier  when a woman went running to them " Xavier don't drink it the wine is poison."

"Why are you here?" The gamma's second in command blurted

" Little one what do you mean?" The gamma asked gritting his teeth

" You can't fool me of your plan gamma I know that you've put poison on that wine and to take the chance to kill Xavier." 

"Boss why is she here? With sister-in-law in the picture, the plan will be in vain." Edward said in their mind link.

"The mistress is unstoppable, the plan has changed." Sky said on the link

"If there were a secret matter how can you know about the plan don't tell me you've planned all this and use me as a scapegoat."

"I heard it from the cook idiot, you think that locking me up will stop me. Xavier the things I said are truth I did not deceive you." She glared in the gamma direction and whined in front of Xavier acting pitifully.

"That's her cue," Xavier said on the link and smashed the glass on the table. "Gamma is this true?" He asked bluntly glaring at the gamma direction

He chuckled, "No, no of course not, you can't just listen to her from one side."

"Okay then let's call the cook-" Xavier fall on the chair coughing out some blood

"No!" She screamed and was about to run to his side when the gamma's second in command aimed the sword on her neck "not so fast little luna." Each side draw out their swords Xavier's man went to Harper's side waiting for her command with their Alpha down the luna will be their next leader and their priority is to protect their luna.

"My brothers have taken the antidotes and this warrior is immune to poison, you can't lead this warrior on your luna, my proposal is still open."  The gamma grins swinging his sword.

"Why?" Xavier spat out

"Why? In the beginning, if I hadn't blocked a sword for you you'd be dead long ago." The gamma said as he approached Xavier

"That year, I still appreciated that. But stop this right now. I may not let you slip from this far." Xavier wiped the blood on his mouth.

"You appreciated it? Because of this girl, you made me lose my dignity in front of my people. Is that called appreciation?" Veins popped out on his neck, his nails turns into claws. 

"It's not related to others, offenders of this island are equally punished"

The gamma chuckled, he walked to the throne room and faced everyone "law of the island, I tell you now from today onwards I am the law, drag him down here and give me his head for decoration." 

"I gave you a chance." Xavier sighed

"You're about to die. Do you still think you are the mighty Xavier that everyone fears?" The gamma sat on the throne and smirked "drag him down."

Xavier throws the glass on the ground and stood up including Edward and Sky.

"It turns out you knew all along. And you deliberately lured us in the trap." The gamma step back scanning his surroundings his laugh was heard all over the hall

"I gave you a chance but you didn't listen. I warned you not to mess with her, and yet you disobeyed, if one single hair is missing on her head god knows what I'm going to do to you gamma." His hands clench in anger seeing the sword aimed at Harper's neck

"Brothers we fight!" The gamma yelled and the war begins. He swings the sword aiming at the neck,  Xavier evades his attack and kicks him on his abdomen. The two fought down the throne room.

Harper gritted her teeth in annoyance "Damn that jerk I was worrying for nothing."  She picks up the sword on the ground and helps fought the gamma army "where are you going, little missy?" The gamma second in command approach her and draw the sword on her. "You're challenging an alpha, boy."  Her tone change due to her wolf trying to come out.

"What can a woman like you do?"  He asked rolling his eyes he was about to swing his sword when he felt his neck gushing out blood.

"I can do something like this."  Her wolf was in complete control of her body and one by one who stopped her from going to her mate died terribly

"Oh no bitch, you've killed my right arm you have to pay for that, Enough! Or your luna's pretty Little neck will be my next decoration." The gamma sword slowly pierced her skin,

"Stop! everybody stop!" Within a second everyone dropped their swords unable to move with their luna held in captivity.

"It seems you like her very much." Harper hissed in pain at the sword piercing on her skin.

"Release her, the resentment is between you and me, she's not part of this." Xavier was glued on the floor unable to move

"Prepare me a boat I just need to get on the boat and I'll drop her."

"Ok." Xavier signals his men to do what the gamma wants. "Why aren't you guys asking for my permission?" Harper asked annoyed

"Keep quiet his thinking of a way to save you." The gamma whispered in her ear

"Who needs help." She stomp on his feet and elbowed him on the chest

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