Chapter 13: Cyborg dad

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Kristina's POV

"So you're a cyborg now." I joked. I'm just happy that he is alive.

"Haha very funny. Anyway, your room is already clean." He answered then continued to play. I gulped and uneasiness went into my belly, Xavier smirked seeing me uncomfortable he didn't say anything and carried on playing. 'Being casual isn't we?' I snickered and throw him a dirty look.

"Sir looks like I win again." My mate chuckled as he sipped his wine. He eyed me up and down as I was sitting beside dad while mom went back to the kitchen to get her new cook cookies.

"Where's the fun in that game anyway," I uttered rolling my eyes with a crossed arm, Trying to get their attention. I felt left alone his getting along with my dad pretty well, I don't like it.

"Kristina don't be rude. Son how about we play cards." Dad said getting his cards out of his pocket. "Let's see how talented you are." He continued

Dad is known to all alpha's that he's good at games and also known to tactics in battle he treats the battlefield like a chess game. I don't even know how to play it, to me, It's a boring game.

"Dad, I'm going to bed. You two should sleep early, don't get drunk." I warned and got up and went to my room making sure to lock my door. I won't risk having Xavier sneak into my room again.

I took a bath first and changed into my nightgown. I went to bed and covered myself with my blanket and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up with arms in my waist, a chest pressed on my back and a face nuzzled on my neck. I could smell the alcohol with his every breath. They must have drunk last night. I warned them but they didn't listen, especially this guy. How did he even get here? I made sure to lock all doors and windows, even the glass door of my balcony.

"Had a good sleep wife?" Xavier asked which startled me as he was already awake, his grip on my waist tightened as he pulled me closer to him.

"Let go of me," I grunted trying to get his arms out of my waist.

"Last night I just came to check on you but you toss and turn on your sleep and grab me on the bed with you, so persistent I like it, you even talk to your sleep wife." He chuckled as he nuzzled his nose closer to my neck and his breath tickled on my skin.

"That isn't a reason, you reek of alcohol at least get yourself clean."

"Your father insisted on drinking, sorry wife." He said as he got up and went to my bathroom. When he was gone I got up and fetched my phone at the bedside and went to the balcony to call Ysha to have an update about the pack while I'm away.

"Everything is fine here Ryann just visited yesterday they will join the training with us starting tomorrow."

"Good. Anyway, Maxx is here with us he will receive a punishment when we get back and Xavier I'll make his life hell." I said with gritted teeth while talking to Ysha I felt Xavier's arms on my waist, back hugging me.

"Get inside your wearing inappropriate clothes." His voice was dangerous and possessive

"ahh so now you're sharing a room with him, what's next I'm going to be a godmother." Ysha giggled on the call

I rolled my eyes at them, I slipt away from his arms and went inside my room and sat at the edge of the bed Xavier followed and pulled me to sit on his lap, I don't fight and let him do what he wants.

"Ysha I don't have a choice, anyway I'm hanging up now I still have to deal with the devil beside me," I said then end the phone call

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked as I got up from his lap.

"You look good in these clothes. I'm looking forward to seeing you more with these in the future. All for me to see and enjoy." He smirks ignoring what I just said.

"Eyes up here pup. You know if you continue doing this I might kill you without a second thought." I said, showing my fist in front of him choose your word wisely Xavier I'm about to explode.

"Wife calm down before you regret something. Anyway, I'm heading out now. We wouldn't want us to get caught with this secret love affair won't we?" Xavier gulped as he eyed my body up and down he got up and stood away from me before jumping out the balcony. Giggling at myself I went into the bathroom to get ready for today.

All of us ate breakfast together then went swimming in the pool while having a barbecue in the backyard. Just having our family day. With the pack of course,

 Knowing Xavier's temper and self-control I didn't wear any revealing clothes and just stayed in the chair to sunbathe wearing sunglasses and jogging pants and a jacket on. If you can still call it to sunbathe like that? yes with jogging pants and jacket how weird. I snorted and looked at my shoulder,

 He was beside me grilling the barbecue he didn't leave my side since then, he stayed close to me not too close that my parent would suspect anything though, He's been a clingy koala all the time even though dad and he went on drinking when no one was looking he would pat my head or cares my hair to touch me, sometimes he'll pinch my nose or squeeze my cheeks,  he always found an opportunity. I'd be lying if I say I didn't love it. Since when did he become sweet?

Feeling bored and tired of his secret protective acts I sighed. 

"Dad, I'll go home first," I told dad 

"Are you alright munchkin? He asks as he put the glass of punch on the table, I sneak a glance at my mate and saw him frown with his brows furrowed. I rolled my eyes 'yeah like you don't know anything why I'm not enjoying this party much as you do.'

"Yeah, I just haven't got a goodnight's sleep." My dad chuckled at me but nodded.

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