Chapter 15: Look who came back from the dead

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The picture of Kristina's throne room up there.

Kristina's POV

Ryann and Ysha stand on my left side while Trexus and Maxx on my right I sat on the throne lifting my legs and put it on the shoulder of the chair which made my sitting position slanting still holding the swords I came bored and started balancing it with one finger Ysha slap my leg glaring at me for sitting inappropriately I rolled my eyes at her and shrug her away still not listening Trexus chuckled at my behavior and mouthed "childish" I roll my eyes at him and kept on playing with my swords.

I can smell him before he came onto our view he intentionally revealed his real aura his smell that radiates power as an alpha king. What is he scheming right now whatever it is I do not like it.

"Wife may I request your cooperation let my delta explain before beating him." He said before approaching us with Skyler following behind.

"Xavier? Why are you here man?" Trexus exclaimed surprised did he not still get it? Sometimes my brother is dumb as a kid. I'm surprised he is still alive this past year. Plenty of rouges attempted to take our throne yet no one succeeds. I'm confused as to how did my dumb brother save his ass.

"He's my mate," I muttered rolling my eyes looking at my nails, not on a smirking Xavier I could practically see him in my peripheral vision.

"Nice joke baby sis." He laughed I look at him like he has grown two heads did he not heard what I said?

"Wait, what? No, your joking right?" By now my brother's face was unexplained. "You're an alpha king? And you didn't tell us?" he asked with wide eyes looking at Xavier.

"I'm sincerely sorry brother-in-law." Xavier bowed with respect I rolled my eyes at his actions. What a jerk he acts like he's on the ancient period or something. 

"Edward you may come now." He yelled from no one the name he called made my heart leap as my head perk up and made me sit properly on the throne.

The world seemed to slow down as he walked toward us a loud gasp escaped Ysha's mouth stunned speechless and confusion I don't know what to say or react to seeing my best friend alive for all these years. It has been six years since his death I do not know how to react. 

"No fucking way," Maxx exclaimed

"See I was right," Ryann screamed surprised ysha fell on her feet as tears run down her eyes.

"Ed-ward?" Trexus muttered breathlessly of the sudden appearance of our dead best friend. Or should I say supposedly dead best friend. How could this be? 

All this happened as I watch my surrounding Trexus came down and hug him squeezing him checking if it really was real then came down Maxx, Ryann and Ysha embrace each other with a group hug as I sat there looking at them watching the so-called Edward's every move he may attack us in any second if we're not cautious is this what my jerk of a mate plan to use my died best friends face to control me sad to say he's not gonna have what he wants nor do I gonna give in. I was there we all we're there when Edward was in the coffin being buried in the ground his parents explained to us that he committed suicide due to his mate rejecting him then ran away they said he couldn't make it that he can't handle the heartbreak.

"Kristina," Ysha called which bring me back from my thought of train.

"He's a witch, Guards!" I yelled, the guards came running with their swords circling Edward away from my best friends and my brother they pull my brother away from the man that has the face of our best friend with one command his going to die.

"No wait let me explain, Boss, help me out here." The man called for help looking at my mate. I got up from my throne getting my swords out of its case. So I was right it really was my mate's plan that fucking sicko what's his plan.

"I didn't die! The royalties planned it for being his delta is a suicide mission. I was given the title of a delta of the royal family to get us away from more danger we should not have close contact with our family." He explained with his hands above his head.

"Dismissed." I wave my hands up which all my guards nod and they cleared away leaving us leaders in the hall.

"I'm sorry for lying," Edward said as a tear left his eye

"All good as long as your alive," Maxx said as he embraces Edward with a hug again. I rushed forward and slapped him on the cheek.

"I deserve that." He muttered his face on the side because of my slap.

"I was just making sure your real," I exclaimed as I leap and hug him my arms on his neck as my legs snaked his waist like a koala. His alive my guilt nor anger to the world is released. My best friends chuckled. "Well, that's better than her killing you." Ryan chuckled "Down girl before your mate ends up killing him." Ysha said pulling me away from Edward.

"He can go fuck off," I said rolling my eyes at Xavier who's facial expression change he was about to charge at us when Sky hold him back as he glared at me.

"All of these are a lot to take in," Maxx shouted grabbing his hair Trexus patted his back with sympathy. "Same here dude."

"We should have a party ohh god we have so much to catch up." I squealed. Our best friend is alive we should celebrate it as this day is beautiful and has a lot of events that we should be thanking the moon goddess.  

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