“There’s excited,” Jisoo noted stepping down the last step and into the hall, “and then there’s you Lisa,” She laughed.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you quite this….perky,” Chaeyoung said studying her girlfriend closely. Lisa was practically radiating happiness and Chaeyoung could not argue that it was a very good look for her.

“Ooh wait here a minute,” Lisa said ignoring them both and running up the stairs, her hand holding onto the bannister tightly as she went in order to prevent herself from falling over.

“No seriously,” Chaeyoung said pointing up the stairs after Lisa into the space her girlfriend had just vacated. “What’s going on?”

“Don’t question it,” Jisoo said, pulling on her own coat and fastening it up securely, a wide smile on her lips. “I haven’t seen Lalisa this animated in over six months.” Jisoo admitted. “Trust me. You don’t question the good days Chaeyoung. You embrace them.” She paused to cast a quick glance up the stairs. “You embrace them and you hope that they’re here to stay.” Chaeyoung smiled at Jisoo’s words.

“You’re happy,” she stated in understanding.

“I’m happy,” Jisoo agreed. “It’s nice to have the old Lalisa back,” Jisoo shared with Chaeyoung. “Even if it is only for today.”

“I agree,” Chaeyoung decided as Lisa appeared at the top of the stairs, her hands hidden behind her back secretively. Chaeyoung smiled up at her and she returned the gesture, Lisa’s lips turning up into a broad grin which reached her eyes and made them sparkle.

“I got you something,” Lisa said as she slowly made her way down the stairs being careful not to slip.

“What?” Chaeyoung said stepping over to the stairs just as Lisa stepped onto the bottom step. “Why?” she asked.

“Just because I wanted to,” Lisa told her, twisting from side to side, her hands still hidden behind her back. Lisa stood slightly higher than Chaeyoung in her current position on the step and Chaeyoung found it disconcerting to be looking up at her girlfriend, the change unfamiliar. “Close your eyes,” Lisa told her simply and Chaeyoung did as she was instructed. “Ok,” Lisa said after a seconds pause.

“Now open them.” Chaeyoung obeyed; opening her eyes which fell almost instantly on Lisa’s outstretched hands. In one she held a small handful of wildflowers which she’d seemingly picked out of her garden and in the other she held a jar of Nutella, both had a red bow tied delicately around them.

“Aww…” Chaeyoung said taking the two gifts from Lisa and smelling the flowers quickly. “Thanks babe.” She said gratefully.

“You’re welcome,” Lisa replied stepping down onto the hall floor so that she was once again a few inches shorter than Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung held her arms out and Lisa stepped forward so that she could embrace her in an appreciative hug. Lisa put her arms around Chaeyoung, reciprocating the gesture as Chaeyoung dropped her face and they kissed contentedly for a moment.

“No one has ever given me flowers before,” Chaeyoung noted as she admired the small bouquet in her hand happily once they’d parted.

“What about Nutella?” Lisa asked taking the jar out of Chaeyoung’s hand so she could open her bag to put it safely in. Chaeyoung took the jar back and placed it inside her bag carefully before closing her bag again.

“No, I can honestly say that no one has ever bought me a jar of Nutella,” Chaeyoung replied, her smile still firmly in place and her cheeks already starting to ache from it.

“It’s your favourite right?” Lisa asked uncertainly.

“Yeah,” Chaeyoung confirmed.

“Great,” Lisa said as she took hold of Chaeyoung’s hand and directed her towards the door. Chaeyoung cast a look at Jisoo who’d been watching the interaction with a satisfied look on her face. She smiled at Chaeyoung as Lisa opened the front door and the younger girl disappeared over the threshold, pulling Chaeyoung outside with her. Jisoo followed, closing the door in their stead.

Trials and Tribulations [Chaelisa]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant