[[ 15 ]]

18 2 1

Rewritten: 12/20/2020


"What the fuck are you playing at?!" shouted Draco, storming into the library and slamming Potter's book shut with some force.

"I'm sorry?" I asked, trying not to bust a grin. "I'm studying..."

"No," He smirked, shutting Potter's book again when he tried to pull apart the covers again. "can we talk..." He asked, glaring at Potter as he shoved the book closed a third time. "...alone?"

Potter's eyes hardened as he cleared his throat to speak, only for me to hold up my hand to silence him.

"Are you sure?" He asked, leaning closer to me, only for me to lean back.

I nodded as I shut my book and sighed into it as Potter gathered his things and exited passed Draco. I watched as Draco's pissed demeanor replaced it.

"Good Morning Malfoy, how can I help you today?" I smirked, as he answered with a heavy sigh. "Obviously a nice approach is out of the question -"

"- Pansy snitched." He blurted out, glancing around the room. 

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked, with a small smile. 

"She snitched." Draco kept glancing around and then quietly leaned back into the chair. "So, I ask again, what are you fucking playing at?"

"I'm still drawing a blank on what she snitched on?" I pushed, feeling a rage rising for one Parkinson. "You already know about my mission -"

"- try your cruel bet, deal - whatever you girls call it these days." He interrupted me as he leaned back into an upright position. "So, the chemistry we had...wasn't real?"

"Uh, yeah it was actually." I rose both eyebrows, having a hard time admitting this out loud. "I wasn't expecting to have that much chemistry..."

Draco's pale face softened.

"Was it really your idea?" He pushed, placing his elbows and arms on the table lazily. "It doesn't sound like you -"

"- yes, it was." I smirked, feeling my Slytherin pride tremble. "I was sick of you breaking all my friend's hearts so I decided to take matters in my own hands." I elaborated, leaning onto my arm, which rested on my book. "I wasn't even the first choice."

Draco rose an eyebrow, "Who was?"

"Haven." I answered, as a matter-of-factly. "Haven was set to be the girl, but we clicked instead."

"So," He sighed, looking as if he was pondering. "it's almost like...you didn't agree to this deal, at first right?"

"Accurate." I nodded. "When Haven got pissed, and that night at the Three Broomsticks got brought up, the girls shifted things in my direction." I gestured with my hands as if I was moving a box from right to left. "Obviously this isn't going to be a thing now..."

"...well," Draco sighed, as I rose and started to gather my things, but froze when he didn't agree. "why can't it be a thing?"

"Where you are going with this?" I rose an eyebrow. "You have every right to feel repulsed and completely insulted by all this -"

"- Oh, I do." Draco nodded, looking up at me. "That don't mean I'll back down from a challenge though..."

I wrinkled my brow as I watched him rise to his feet and gesture for me to leave first, as I did, he followed.

"What challenge?" I asked, confused.

"To see who can break whose heart first." He shrugged, sliding his hands into his pockets. "I won't deny Marie, we have chemistry...a lot more than either of us expected, obviously..."

I nodded slowly as we moved through the crowded corridors and then turned into the courtyard and stopped in front of one of the trees.

"...so, why not give ourselves..." He cleared his throat, looking around. "...hear me out..." He pushed his thought off more until I grunted at his annoying nervous body language. "...give ourselves about a month..."

"...a month?" I repeated, confused. I was trying to keep up with this guy, but I was impressed he wasn't going to bite my head off like I was expecting him to do when he entered the library.

I was impressed, confused and terrified - all at the same time.

"After that month," He stated, as if he was giving a lecture and rose his index finger and placed in my face. "we do what he can to see who can break up with the other first." He booped my nose.

We booped...

"That's horrible." My jaw dropped and pushed him away gently.

I tried to stomp away, but he caught my hand.

Instant electricity.

"Fuck." I growled and slowly turned back to him.

"Horrible?" He grinned, pulling me closer to him then released my hand. "More horrible than either of our missions this year, or what you were going to do?"

I rolled my eyes at his knowledge.

He was actually making sense.

"Why would you want to do this with me?" I asked, gesturing with my hands. "Let me get this straight first, before you answer..." I pointed at him as he opened his mouth to answer my question. "...you want to date for a month and then see how far we could push each other, in order to see who is more weak hearted?"

Draco nodded as I spoke.

I shook my head. "No."

"Unless you're not Slytherin enough?" He grinned, biting his lower lip as he took in my body figure. "Not dark enough?"

I wrinkled my lip in annoyance. 

"Fine, but on one condition..." I stated, outstretching my hand and pulling away suddenly right before our fingers brushed. He rolled his eyes and motioned for me to speak. "...we give true effort...not this half assed shit."

Draco's eyes flashed into mine.

"Kiss on it?" He asked, with a shrug.

I rolled my eyes and outstretched my hand again.

He grinned and took it.

"Deal..." I stated, and turned to walk away, only to be pulled back into his chest and the taste of his lips caught mine.

Holy Shit...

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