[[ 39 ]]

13 2 5

Rewritten: 1/31/2021


I took a deep breath as Star passed me my bouquet.

"Are you ready for this?" she asked, adjusting my dress a little more.

My eyes darted passed her as the crowd settled into their seats and Blaise was having his tie fixed by his father at the end of the isle. 

"No." I swallowed hard, feeling an overwhelming decision come over me. 

Draco's letters came to mind.

Our connection.

I turned to Star, whose eyes went wide at my sudden domineer change.

 "Are you sure about this?" asked Star, but then she paused as she looked passed me at the wedding set up. "Why am I asking questions - if you don't want to do this, we can leave."

I sighed, looking at her and then turned back to the crowd, to catch my Father's eyes, as the bridal march started and everyone rose, turned their heads and I was the center of attention all of a sudden.

"Star," I swallowed hard, not breaking my eye contact with my Father. 

"Yeah?" She questioned, nervously.

"Get me out of here."

My eyes watched the flames dance with each other as a cup of hot tea was passed to me from my right.

"This should perk you up," smiled Hermione as she glanced back into the kitchen. "how are you doing anyway, Maire?"

"Alive." I sighed, finally ripping my gaze away from the fire and took in the hot tea sitting in my lap. "Thank you, Hermione."

"You're wel -" she paused, starring at me.

I sipped a little on the surface of my tea, then realized her stare and looked back up at her. "Yes?"

"You've never called me by my first name before," she stated, looking a little uncomfortable. "that's all."

I just looked up at her and took another sip, "Yeah, won't happen again Granger."

Her face dropped as she stomped back into the kitchen, as Star passed back over into the living room.

"This was a bad idea," I growled, looking over at her as she dropped to the couch. "we're going to be found, and the Weasleys will be killed because of us."

"I don't think so." Star smirked, looking up at me. "We'll be having a visitor later on today and Miss Weasley has made it a personal point of hers to protect us, and besides you're not marrying Blaise, isn't that what you wanted?"

"Of course," I nodded, looking back into the fire. "I just can't shake my Father's face."

"He'll understand," She stated, leaning over and rubbing on my knee. "eventually."

"He'll be killed." I swallowed hard, looking up at her. "Maybe even Mother."

"They're strong," Star ensured. "they'll make it.

"Star, dear..." came Miss Weasley's voice from the front door. "...visitors..."

Star and I exchanged looks and rose from the furniture and moved outside to see Professors Dumbledore and Snape.

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