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Rewritten: 10/21/2020


"Are you serious?" I laughed out loud, clapping my right hand over my mouth in attempt to hush my laugh from echoing down the corridor.

"Totally!" Confirmed Star as  the three of us turned into the main corridor. "Pansy stood there, completely drowning in her own self pity, and scream at him."

"What did Draco do?" Haven inquired with a raise of an eyebrow, looking past me to Star.

I shifted my Slytherin bag a little as I looked up at Haven with concern, which she didn't catch.

"H-He," Star paused for a moment. "just stood there."

Haven just shook her head in response.

"Star," I chimed in as the three of us dropped into our bar stools in the back of the Defense Against Dark Arts classroom.

"Yeah?" Chirped Star, pulling a book and a notebook out of her bag before hanging it off a nail that stood out of our desk.

"Are you okay?" I asked, doing the same, but tilting my head in concern as I placed my bag on the floor, beside my stool.

"I'm fine?" She rose an eyebrow in suspicion. "Why wouldn't I be?" She gave a small smile.

"You mean to tell us, you just watch Pansy go through the exact bullshit that you went through last month...and you're fine?" Asked Haven, mocking Star's tone.

I just rolled my eyes at Haven and caught Star's eye with a gentle nod.

Star frowned and nodded back.

Star's gaze moved past me, tot Haven, and she managed to grinned and repeat herself, "I'm fine."

Class started and the whole time, i couldn't help, but think of Draco.

Well, not Draco exactly - he's nothing but a wannabe Gigalo, and its quite disgusting to watch how many girls he goes through in a given week..

No, it was the way he kept breaking these girls hearts.

He needed to be taught a lesson. He needed have his heartbroken, for real.

Granted, I didn't know the first thing about dating.

Haven had recently taught me how to take care of my hair and skin better, thats a perk of being the only child I guess - not knowing much about self care - and since we had returned to school, I was being treated different and I'm not use to it.

Haven, had quite the dating stripes. She was on and off with Harry Potter, from Gryffindor and recently developed a crush on the infamous Malloy, but she flirted with alot of guys.

Star was completely falling for Ron Weasley, Harry's friend, also from Gryffindor, but had recently found a new attraction to our friendly neighborhood Manhole, but lived and loved to regret it.

"Baie, come on!" Chimed in Haven, causing me to shake my head and blink to realize  I had gotten away with day dreaming in class.

I jumped up, grabbing my bag underneath the desk, shoving my book and notebook into, slamming onto my back and caught up with the girls in the corridor.

"What was that about, Baie?" Asked Haven, nudging me with her elbow and nodding behind us.

"Just thinking," I sighed, glancing around the corridor. "You know how Draco and his little club of testosterone have hurt so many girls around here?"

Haven and Star blinked at me, agreeing as if it was obvious.

Which it was..

"Have you noticed its been more so in our house?" I pointed out, shifting my bag strap a little.

"Yeah..." said Star slowly, as Haven nodded, annoyed.

We turned into a door way and entered the Potions classroom.

"What of it?" asked Haven, dropping her bag onto the desk and placing her right hand on her hip, interested.

"Well, what if we were to give him a taste of his own medicine?" I rose an eyebrow as I placed my bag down beside Haven's.

"Go on..." motioned Haven.

"We get a girl. His type, obviously, and we pay her to get close to Draco - I mean really close..." I started to explain.

"...how close?" Haven asked, almost of breath which caused me to do a double take when I glanced over at her.

"...emotionally, way past the physical bounds of what he calls love, we need someone that'll get in his head." I explained pointing to my own temple. "Then, right when he's all comfortable or even ready to pop a question - BAM!" I clapped my heads together so suddenly that Star and Haven jumped.

"What's BAM?" asked Haven, mocking my clap with a more quiet tapping of her hands.

"She breaks it off with him, leaving him fucking devastated!" I crossed my arms in satisfaction as I watched both girls ponder my idea.

"That is so low," Star shook her head in disappointment. "that is so unbelievably low, heartless and completely on another level higher than...than mean..."

I frowned at Star, feeling a little embarrassed for myself.

"...I didn't know you had it in ya!" Smiled Haven, patting me on the shoulder.

I smiled at Haven, then looked back over at Star, who was smiling?

"...it just might work!" Giggled Star, high fiving me as Haven started laughing.

"Its fucking brilliant!" Squealed Haven, but was automatically interrupted by - you guessed it - yours truly.

"Do to even know how to shut the fuck up, Haven?" Draco smirked as he and his ban of trolls entered the classroom.

Unfortunately we had stopped to talk at the back of the classroom, so it set us for this horrid run-in.

I just glared at him and watch as his eyes went all over Haven, all over Star then stopped when they made contact with mine.

He started to take in every curve that body had to show, and once his eyes came back up to meet mine, my middle finger was there to greet him.

"Oh! Watch it Maire! You might break something..." He giggled with a wink as he lead his trolls to their normal spot, a few rows ahead of us.

We dropped into our seats and glared at the back of their heads.

"Let's fuck him up!" Growled Star.

"With what?" questioned a familar voice behind us. We turned to see Pansy.

"Oh, we have a plan to get Draco back, for everything." smiled Haven.

"Whatever it is, I'm in." Smirked Pansy, glaring passed us. "So, what is holding you back from it? Whose idea was it, anyway?" she asked dropping into an end chair across the isle from our desk.

"I did," I grinned as Pansy smiled approvingly. "all we need now is the girl and funds to get this plan rolling."

"I can help with that." Grinned Pansy, picking her bag up off the floor and placing it on her desk. "With both the money and the girl information - I can get it, I just need front row seats to this gig, promise?"

"Promise!" I smiled.

We all smiled in agreement and silently turned forward to prepare for class.

As class started I couldn't help but think of how the girls reacted to my idea. Almost surprised that I had this side of me.

I frowned.

Most people say I belong in Gryffindor of Hufflepuff, but I guess they finally figured out why I was placed in Slytherin.

The feeling that came over me next, was disappointing.

All this build for a plan to not only defend my friends from a Sex God, but to finally prove I'm Slytherin material, and I find myself feeling guilty?!

Fucking guilty?!

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