[[ 9 ]]

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Rewritten: 11/1/2020


"There, you see?!" I shouted, pushing myself into between Haven and Draco. I pulled my sleeve up forcefully to reveal my dark mark. "Happy, Haven?!"

"Yes." she answered silently as I moved completely in between them and started to walk towards Haven, baking her up against the wall. "What the fuck are you doing? I'm one of them too!" she squealed, almost crying as I drew my wand and pressed it against her throat.

"Remember all those times, you fucked up and I had your back when it came to the elders? Voldemort? Dumbledore...Snape?" I asked, as I listened to her breathing get heavier and heavier as I pressed my wand deeper into her skin. 

"Y-Yes!" she almost screamed as Pansy shoved the common room door shut as some other Slytherins attempted to enter. Haven glanced over with betrayal written all over her face. "P-Pansy?!"

"You blew her cover." Pansy shrugged as she leaned against the entrance way.

Haven's eyes darted over to Star who just put up a forcefield along both entrances to the dorms to avoid any other intruders.

"Remember?" I repeated myself, removing my wand to replace it with my hand.

"You're choking me!" she coughed, as she began to try to slap my hand away.  "You're going to kill me!"

I grinned as I clutched a little harder, feeling all the eyes in the room on me.

I flinched as she kicked my stomach a little, but I shoved the pain away.

I finally loosened my grip and leaned in really close to her face and tilted my head, almost in a kissing pose, but then passed her lips and leaned against the wall so my lips were right beside her ear.

"You're on your own now." I smirked, releasing her neck and watching her collapse to the floor, coughing pretty hard.

"Haven..." gasped Blasie, going to move but Draco stopped him.

I turned away from the dramatic Haven to make eye contact with Draco.

"Might as well..." I sighed, straightening my shirt and putting my wand away. "...I'm a Deatheater as the Christmas Holiday of our Fifth year -"

"- Wait, you were one before us?!" chimed in Blasie, looking jealous. 

"Shut it-" Draco snapped.

"- but if you were inducted then, why are you the lowest level - ?" started Crabb as my eyes darted over to him, only for him to throw his hands up and correct himself, "- according to Haven."

Haven glared from the floor as I spoke.

"- because, I was to stop Potter from finding the prophecy, actually I was meant to beat him and the pathetic little Army they had put together there, but I didn't make it." I explained, as Star moved to stand beside me, as Pansy just sighed, but remained against the door. 

"That got you knocked down?" asked Blasie, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes." Star answered for me, through gritted teeth.

My eyes stayed connected with Draco as he took all of this in.

Sure, I was developing something for him, but he didn't need to know - he wasn't suppose to know.

"I'm sorry," I stated, getting his attention. "you weren't suppose to know."

"What were you sent here to do?" He asked, his eyes glued directly on me.

I'm Better Off. You're Better Off.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang