[[ 24 ]]

17 2 6

Rewritten: 1/15/2021


"So, are you going to work on it tonight?" asked Blaise, tapping my plate considering I was zoning out. 

"The cupboard?" I questioned, only to get a nod back from Blaise. "Yeah, just a few hours, if I could only find another  manual, or figure out how that cupboard goes together, I'd be thankful."

"Well, how do you plan on approaching the other plan?" Blaise poked at the more sensitive and time consuming mission of the two.

I rose from the table, not wanting to talk about this shit in public like that.

"Well, I -" I started, but was stopped abruptly by someone hitting my shoulder pretty hard, causing me to to shift into - 'normal' - Malfoy mode. "- what the fuck is your problem?"

"Your obsession with Baie." barked back Potter. "Ease up and leave her the fuck alone, or we'll have a problem."

"Oooooo!" giggled myself and Blaise in unison. "What are you going to do, nark me to death?"

"Shut it Malfoy!" smirked Potter, stepping forward. "She isn't into you and you need to get that through your head. I'm about to start dating her, hopefully, and I don't want you being a problem."

"You're about to start dating her?" I asked, with air quotes. "You sound so confident for a Gryffindor."

"Who has a date with her tomorrow night?" He asked, looking me up and down. "Not you."

I stepped forward only for Blaise to hold me back and shove me out of the door.

"Watch it Pothead." smirked Blaise as we moved into the corridor. "For the record, that bloke has absolute no clue who the fuck she is..."

"...obviously..." I giggled along with Blaise as we made it to the Room of Requirement, I opened the door only to freeze. "...whose there?!" I drew my wand as Blaise followed my actions.

"Oh, calm down boys." came a female voice that sounded familiar.  

Blaise and I exchanged worried looks as we made our way around the all-too-familiar pile of crates to see Star standing to our left of the cupboard.

I heard a familiar giggle as another female stepped out from behind it.

"Baie?" I gasped, looking at the tall cupboard. "You...you put it together?"

"Well," sighed Baie, patting the side she stepped out from behind and smiled at Star. "Pansy dropped the manual and lucky for you boys - we know Latin."

"You - you do?" Blaise gasped, impressed.

"Sure," shrugged Star, flipping some hair from her shoulder. "all you guys had to do was ask."

"Well, I was supposed to do this alone..." I sighed, walking up to it. 

"...we're a team." Baie smirked, patting my shoulder. "Face it, we saved you some time."

My eyes connected with hers and I couldn't help, but smile.

"Well, you helped me..." I sighed, as Blaise and Star started talking to my left. "...let me help you."

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