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Rewritten: 1/31/2021


My Dearest Baie,

I'm not sure what to say, or how to write this.

So I'll keep it short and simple.

I heard the wedding was moved up to Saturday, and my parents have made arrangements so I won't be attending, therefore I can't stop it.

I wanted to admit that I still and will always love you.

Although, I've come to the conclusion that this is for the best, for us. 

We've lied. We've cheated. We've hurt each other countless times.

It's so unbelievably hard for me to write this, to feel this, to say this out loud, but we were toxic Baie. 

I'm jealous. I'm insecure. 

So insecure that I couldn't even hear you out about Potter.

I'll forever regret how I didn't allow the chance for us to flourish.

I feel I'm to blame, and I'll take that responsibility, and my pride, and let you go.  

I'm better off.

You're better off.

- D

I frowned out of my window, thinking of that letter over and over in my head.

"Knock knock?" came Star's voice, and I felt my frown deepen as she entered the room.

"How did it go?" I asked, not removing my eyes off the distance fog that began to settle of over the city. 

"The rehearsal dinner?" Star sighed, and I heard the squeak of my bed frame as she sat down onto it. "It was a bore, future groom and future bride stood on opposite sides of the room, until they were forced to be in contact with each other."

"How is she?" I pushed, ignoring the rest.

Star paused, searching for words, causing me to turn to her in concern. 

"Numb." Star nodded, rubbing her legs nervously.

"Interesting choice of wording." I smirked, rising from my bar stool that I had dragged to my window. "Did she get the letter?"

Star rolled her eyes at my question, "Of course she did."

I shifted uncomfortably. 

"You broke her, Draco." Star stated bluntly, rising to her feet. "Is that what you want to hear?"

"It's for the best, Star!" I smirked, raising an hand to silence her, but it didn't work.

I rolled my eyes as she lost her temper.

"She fucking loves you, Draco!" Star shouted. "You're just going to let her go, just like that?"

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