[[ 6 ]]

26 2 1

Rewritten: 10/28/2020


I blinked as Haven continued on her third story for the night.

Now I remember why I broke up with her.

Constant talking.



My eyes shot away from Haven only for a tiny pinch of rage to spark deep inside.

Blasie, with Maire?!

I glared at the couple as I watched them enter the bar and make their way to a booth across the room.

Are you fucking kidding me?!

What the fuck was Blasie thinking?!

"O-Oh..." Haven slowed down, finally, and followed my eyes to see Marie and Blasie across the way. "...thats, new?"

"New isn't the word for it." I stated, realizing that was the first time I had gotten a sentence in since the night started. "Would you, excuse me for a moment?"

"Um..." It was as if Haven hesitated on just agreeing on what I was about to do, it was almost as if she was deciding on whether to grant me permission. So before she could answer, I rose to my feet and moved across the room. 

"Malfoy!" growled Maire, as Blasie looked up from starring at her.

"Draco, whats going on mate?" He smiled, rising out of the booth and wrapping his arm around me as he lead me away from Marie, or at least out of earshot.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I growled, as Blasie looked confused.

"I'm doing what Snape said." Blasie explained, as-a-matter-of-factly. "You were asked out by Haven, good for you - but I asked out Baie."

"Baie?!" I choked. "You're on first name basis now?!"

"N-Not exactly." Blasie shrugged. "I'm starting to call her Baie, but she won't budge on the Zambini front..." He paused, which caused my heart to drop. "...why are you so concerned with what I'm doing with Marie, when Haven's your date?"

"She's the one that found the -" I started, but Blasie rolled his eyes and spoke in a mimicking voice. 

"- the cupboard instructions!" He laughed out loud.

"Stop!" I growled, glaring at him as he caught his breath. 

"Look, would it make you feel better if we made it a double date?" He inquired.

"No." I smirked, glaring over his shoulder at Maire, but she was now talking to Haven, who had made her way across the room to talk to her. "Or we don't have a choice."

Blasie turned to follow my gaze and decided our conversation was finished and joined the ladies in the booth as he beckoned me to join them.

I rolled my eyes.


The night was filled with laughter, drinks, conversation and stories between myself, Haven and Blasie. 

Marie kept looking at her watch and found entertainment in carving symbols into the table with the knife from the silverware wrap that was left on the table.

It had been at least two hours at this point.

I had about three butterbeers, Blasie had about five and Haven had seven.

Baie  - Marie - had water. 

"...what do you think Baie?" asked Haven, leaning a little too close to Marie and almost falling onto her.

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