[[ 13 ]]

25 2 3

Rewritten: 11/22/2020


"Perfect!" smiled Haven, allowing my hair to fall out of the straightener.

"Okay, the wings are finished." giggled Star, finishing my eyeliner.

"Thanks guys, but again - I could have done all this myself." I smiled, and flushed red.

"Well, we had to do our friendly duty." Haven booped my nose. "Judging by the way he was looking at you in class,  you need to look more on point than usual..." giggled Haven, taking my shoulders then as we made eye contact in the mirror she looked down and coughed softly, "...no offense."

I shrugged it off.

"So, remember to keep in mind that this may be your first date - but you have to keep our plan in mind." reminded Star, pulling out my knee high dark brown boots with the outfit we had picked out earlier.

"Yeah." I stated, softly. 

The guilt weighing on my shoulders as I moved from the makeup mirror to my bed.

"Well, I'll leave you guys to it." smiled Haven, grabbing her robes and moving towards the door.

"Whoa, where are you going?" I laughed out loud as Star froze with my skinny jeans in one hand and a boot in the other.

"I have to meet up with Pansy." She grinned, and lowered her head a little. "Good luck tonight." and with that she disappeared.

"So, what is the plan for tonight?" asked Star, sitting on her bed and watched as I dressed. "Are you going to just talk, is the farthest you'll go is a kiss...a hug..." she gasped, causing me to jump a little and turning to her. "...a boop?"

"A boop?!" I giggled, shaking my head as I slide my cute, but tight-in-the-right-places top, and started to zip up my boots over my skinny jeans. "Is that a base on the field at all?"

"It could be." Star shrugged, making me smile. "Anyway, what's the farthest for tonight?"

"Malfoy standards, is all the way..." I stated, wrapping myself in a black leather half jacket. "...Marie standards, maybe a boop."

We shared a good giggle.

"Good luck Baie...seriously."  Star shifted her tone a little, which caused me to stop in the doorway. "Be careful."

"Um...thanks?" I stated, almost as a question.

* * * 

I tighten my jacket around my torso a little as the winds shifted.

I leaned against the wall of the Quidditch tunnel and kept glancing up to the castle.

Every now and then I made my way out of the tunnel to take a look at the, now that it was night time, haunted Quidditch Pitch.

"He said eight..." I whispered, looking down at my watch.


A soft anger began to boil deep inside me as I began to make my way back to the Quidditch tunnel, in fear that maybe he had shown up and didn't seen me there and thought that I stood him up.

...even though it seems he's the one standing me up.

I sighed heavily, and slide my hands into my pockets.

I kicked my leg against the wall and began to chew on the inside of my lip.

"How long should I wait...?" I questioned myself as I moved to stand directly in the middle of the tunnel and starred up at the castle. I glanced back down at my watch for it to reflect back up to me; 8:31PM.

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