[[ 26 ]]

17 2 8

Rewritten: 1/16/2021


I glared passed Blaise.

Only to have a glare returned by Potter, who was now peering at me through a black eye and a bandaged nose.

"I told you it wouldn't work." smirked Blaise, stuffing his face. "You lost your shit bro."

"No shit!" I growled, feeling my right leg bouncing off the charts. I sighed into my sleeve as I scanned the Great Hall. "Do you think she'll talk to me today?"

"Someone's on edge." grinned Pansy, dropping beside of me as Haven took a seat beside Blaise opposite us. 

"You two share a fucking room with Baie, how is she?" I pried. 

"Why are you so worried?" growled Haven from across the table, causing my eyes to cut over to her. "You did what any of us would have done, you defended one of our own and knocked out Potter in the process."

Pansy shifted a little in her seat.

I glared at Haven as she spoke once more, "Feel like a man now?"

"Shut it Haven." warned Blaise as I looked back to Pansy.

"What about Star, where's she?" I pushed again, but Pansy remained silent.

"In the dorm with Baie." smirked Haven, as Pansy shot Haven a glare. "What? He's pushing too much."

I rose, but Pansy caught my wrist.

"Don't -" she started, but someone entered the Great Hall, and I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter at the sight of her. 

She grinned at Star, but departed from her. 

She moved through the Gryffindor crowd and dropped beside Harry and passed him an ice pack. She wrapped an arm around him and pulled him into a tight hug.

My jaw dropped, as it did this, I dropped back into my seat.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I growled, slamming my head down on the table a few times, before Pansy placed her hand in place of my forehead. 

"Stop." She ordered.

"What was the point in setting up that plan if she was just going to do her own thing?" I asked Blaise as Star dropped on the other side of me. "You, woman with answers, speak."

"Excuse me?" Star growled back.

"What is going through that woman's head?" I pushed, pointing passed Blaise to see Baie kiss Potter's cheek. "Why is she doing that?"

"Well, it turned out the date went a lot better than she expected, and she gave you the signal to not go through with it..." Star smirked, looking between myself and Baie. "...and you did something anyway."

"What does this mean?" I sighed, confused.

"Girls." Blaise shook his head glaring at Haven, Pansy and Star. "None of you make any goddamn sense."

Star frowned down at her plate and I caught her expression drop.

"You know more than you're leading on." I pointed out, laying my head down on my arms on the table top. "Why are you holding back?"

"Because," Star glared over at me. "Baie is entitled to some privacy."

I shifted a little and watched as Baie kissed Potter on the forehead and rose to exit the Great Hall. I rose and followed her out there.

I waited until we were close to an empty classroom and took her hand and lead inside. I slammed the door shut and growled.

"You're unbelievable." I barked, as Baie rolled her eyes as turned back to face me after being gently shoved into the room. She pressed her tongue against her cheek in an annoyed sense and crossed her arms. "What the fuck was that, last night?"

"I don't want to speak to you." she simply stated and tried to move passed me, but I blocked her way. 

"You were going to let him kiss you!" I shouted, as Baie threw her arms up in defeat and stepped down off the entrance step into the room. "What the fuck, Baie?!"

"Why did it matter?" she barked back. 

"It matters to me!" I shot back. "I fucked up and caught some feelings for you and now this is your way of teaching me a lesson, your way of -" I stopped short, starring at her.

Her gaze rose from a desk and met mine.

"- you wanted this to happen." I pointed at her as I approached her. "You wanted me to loose my shit and go off on Potter..."

Baie clapped slowly and shook her head at the same time.

"You think you have it all figured out, Malfoy." Baie tilted her head at me as she lifted herself onto a desk as I stopped a few steps from her. "I told you, I got to do what I got do."

"Does that mean kissing him?" I shouted.

"It means getting him out of your way!" Baie shot back. "We can do this all day Draco, we both know why I did what I did - so the only thing I have to say to you is Strike 1."

"Strike 1?!" I found myself screaming in frustration. She was using this stupid strike system that I added to our bet. She moved passed me to exit, but I grabbed her arm and flung her back in front of me. "Are you fucking kidding me?!"

"No." Baie stated, with absolutely no emotion. "I have a job to do and you have yours. You had a plan, shit changed and I simply changed it. What is the big fucking deal?!"

"You are." I shouted, pointing at her and watching her flinch at my finger. "You are the biggest fucking deal to me since my discovery of sex."

"Charming." Baie blurted, causing both of us to break into a grin at my premature statement. 

"You're the biggest deal to me since then, Baie." I explained, slowly approaching her. "Seeing Potter with you, made me loose my shit. He doesn't deserve any of this...I do."

"You do?" Baie questioned, uncrossing her arms and letting her arms hang by her sides.

"I do." I nodded, closing the gap between us and taking her whole face into my hands and FINALLY tasting her lips.

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