[[ 34 ]]

14 2 6

Rewritten: 1/23/2021


"Do we have to go?" I growled over my plate up to my Father that sat the head of the table.

"Of course we do, Malfoy." He smirked, whipping his mouth and rising to his feet, this caused my Mother to look up and watch him move towards the door.

"Dear, where are you off to?" She inquired.

"Out with Marie and Zambini." He nodded, shooting me a glare before disappearing into the doorway. 

"Is there a reason you don't wan to go, dear?" asked my Mother, moving her curiosity to me. 

"It's just..." I debated on whether I should reveal exactly why I didn't want to go. 

I didn't want to see her again.

She had cheated on me.

Of all things to happen.

I'm usually the cheater.

It was both hurtful and surprising in a competitive way.  

I sighed and realized I never finished my sentence, "...just, I want to sleep."

"You slept when you came home from the train," she smirked, whipping her face off as he rose form the table. "which was rude, we didn't even know you had returned home."

"I apologize Mother." I smirked, glaring down at the meatloaf in my plate.

"Are you not hungry, dear?" she asked, moving towards me. 

"Not really." I stated, feeling my stomach heave forward at the thought of Baie and Blaise.

"Well, lucky for you - your suite for dinner is already upstairs, you just need to try it on..." she smirked, taking up my plate to pass to a house elf. "...and I believe we got a message earlier that the Zambini boy wanted to meet you in the garden connecting our Manors."

I shifted uncomfortably at the confrontation of Blaise, because on the train - I found I had nothing to say.

I was in shock.

"Draco," came My Mother's voice, pulling me from the flashes of this year. "I almost forgot that there is a Miss Harvest in entry hall waiting for you. I'm so glad we talked to the Crabbs out of that..."

"...out of what?' I gasped, shooting to my feet.

"Out of marrying their son off to the Harvest girl, when clearly you two are the better match." she grinned pushing her way in the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm not so happy about it either." smirked Star, leaning against the doorway of the dining room. 

"Oh, you." I growled, shoving passed her.

"Look, I'm not happy about his either - but we have to at least look and play the part until we -" she attempted to follow me up the stairs to continue our conversaiton.

"- Look -" I interrupted her ramblings. "- I don't want to see you, you remind me of Baie, and quite frankly anything that reminds me of that slut -"

"- watch it!" Star warned, stepping down off the stairs. "You don't know what happened, Draco..."

"- I know plenty." I barked. "My point is, I'm not going through with this marriage - I'll pass over you -"

"- like you did Baie?" Star shot, making me freeze in place "Or did you not know, she was your parents first choice for you...?" I turned to face her as she continued. "...they thought you wouldn't like her as much, because my family had more power than theirs." Star tilted her head.

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