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Rewritten: 1/17/2021


"Knock Knock?" came her voice Saturday evening. 

I looked up from my bed and saw that gorgeous face peek around the door. She stepped into view and all the breath that originally hung in my lungs, left my entire body.

That dress.

That body.

That smile.

Those eyes.

That smile.

"Well," she shifted a little uncomfortable but she kept smiling. "what do you think?"

"It's..." I paused, scrambling my head for the right words. "...breath-taking."

"Draco," she sighed, moving towards me as I rose off my bed. "I wish I was going with you."

"I do too." I frowned, pulling her into me and wrap my arms around her. "Baie,"

"Yeah?" she asked, looking up into my eyes. 

I opened my mouth to ask a question, but a new one popped into my head as I noticed her eyes were a little blood shot and puffy, "have you been crying?"

"What?" she gasped, pulling away from me. "No." 

"What did he do?" I asked, stepping forward. "I'll fucking kill him."

Baie rolled her eyes, "No you won't."

I paused, "What?"

Baie opened her mouth to speak, but looked as she decided against it. "Nothing."

"Baie..." I started, I stepped towards her again and attempted to take her hand, but she made a move that was an attempt to make it look like she didn' t pull away from me on purpose. "...wait!"

"I've got to go, Malfoy - Harry will be waiting on me." She stated, swallowing hard. She moved towards the door, but only froze when I called her name.

"Baie!" I watched as she turned back to face me from the door. "Will you...come back here, tonight?"

She looked to have pondered for a moment, but then disappeared the door.

I took a deep breath and slammed myself back onto the bed, flat on my back. 


"Are you sure about this?" asked Blaise, keeping a look out as I tip toed through Dumbledore's office. I grinned at the sight of the wine bottle sitting on his desk with a huge bow wrapped around it's neck. 

"You always ask that bloody question." I growled back through the darkness. "Just keep an eye out and shut it." I rolled my eyes.

I took the bottle off the desk, glanced across the office to Blaise and the door standing ajar. My gaze dropped back to the bottle as I waved my wand to uncork it, silently.

I poured the yellow and red poison into the wine, only to wave my wand once more to recork it - silently - and I shook it as hard as I could.

I waved my wand a final time to settle the wine, so that the taste or - I guess texture - wasn't messed up due to my shaking of the bottle. 

"Mate!" barked Blaise as I appeared by his side at the door. "Someone's coming, let's go!"

I nodded as we slide out of the door and made our way down the corridor right outside the old man's desk.

"Go ahead back to the dungeons, I'll meet you there." I whispered as Blaise gave me a small shrug and disappeared down the corridor. 

I moved through the castle and found myself sneaking up on Slughorn's party.

I had to see how Baie's date with Potter was going. 

She looked absolutely perfect tonight, but something was up. She was keeping something from me - or something was bothering her. She cries, just like the rest of us, but she was one that made it a point to banish all signs of it.

"What do you think you're doing, Mister Malfoy?!" growled Snape, appearing out of no where.

"Snape!" greeted Slughorn as Snape jerked me up by the collar and tugged me into the party and presented me to Slughorn. "Malfoy, dear boy - what are you up at this hour, murder?" He giggled, causing the party to erupt into a fit of laughter.

I smirked around the room, but caught Baie's face. 

She wasn't laughing.

She wasn't smiling.

She didn't even seem to be having a good time.

I frowned as I turned back to the Professors.

"Oh Snape, it's Christmas let the boy go - let him party!" smiled Slughorn, as Snape's grip got tighter. 

"He's my student, I'll punish him as I see fit." Snape growled back, shoving me out of the door. "What are you playing at?" Snape shot at me as he shoved me into the nearest empty classroom. 

"My job." I shot back. 

"So the necklace situation with Miss Bell was -" He started, but I nodded.

"- Yes." 

"What's your plan this time?" Snape inquired, crossing his arms. 

"Poisonous wine." I smirked.

"I hope this works Malfoy, for your sake." he smirked, looking at me before he opened the door, but he froze once more before leaving to say, "He's not pleased with your progress."

I swallowed hard.

I was the one he was frustrated with now.

Not Baie.


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