Chapter XXVI ~ Joshua

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The day after, I solved the mysterious disappearance of my friends. Kennard had the interschool quiz bee with Miss Roche and some other participants, Gabe and Stephen locked themselves in the StuPub room to start the extravagant editing of our newspaper (something I should be guilty for not joining), and Fredd was at home suffering with his broken heart because of the argument with his girlfriend.

Fredd was late for our first period so he suffered the late-lecture of Mrs. Dalla. I just gave him the letter Mary asked me to give him, and did not want to ask about it especially after his walk-out right after he opened it.

After the second class, we ate snacks at the Love Cup. Kennard and the rest of the quiz bee team had this day off ordered by the principal for their "hard work," but he still chose to go to school.

"I didn't understand why they give day-off to quiz bee participants but never to a student with broken heart." Fredd complained.

"What happened, Freddy?" Kennard asked and led the way to a table, just as sophomore girls giggled their way to the seat. Kennard looked at them with disgust and to our surprise, they just winked at us.

"They are insane!" Kennard whispered to us.

"A proof that hot girls are dangerous." Fredd said.

I checked the shop but it wasn't that full. There were several empty tables. I found Thonia's table--the one beside the window with the rainbow painting--was unoccupied. "Here," I walked towards the table. They followed.

The air-condition did not reach this part goodly plus the sun shone bright through the glass windows. I guessed those were why it was empty.

"Can't we go to the other table? I'll be darker here." Fredd wiped the sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Be thankful the sun shines for you." I said and be the first one to sit so they would not have a chance to look for another table.

"Yeah, right. I'd been blessed by this color."

Kennard patted Fredd's back and sat beside him. "So what's the story?" he asked again.

Fredd drowned himself by his Macchiato and butter bread, not interested in the topic. Black spots circled his eyes. Kennard stared at me, asking for back-up but I did not know what happened either and had no plan to know. We just ate. I had no appetite but I ordered the best seller pancakes and strawberry milk tea.

From the window, I saw Rick Raymond and a batchmate of mine that I saw with my sister at home walking beside him. Did Thonia know it was her? For an ordinary person, I guessed that thing was painful. She told me in the club when I saw Lance and Nicole that I should at least feel something about it. Seeing your love with someone else hurt the most. But she was not ordinary. She was inexplicable, unpredictable.

Rick and Liza, I remembered that was her name, entered the Love Cup. Liza looked up to Rick and smiled. As for Rick, the student council president and highest grader in my batch, people could not avoid looking at them, even the sophomores who snatched our table earlier could not avoid their chit-chats and killer glares at Liza.

"... we lost the first round but the team caught up with the other teams and we reached the championship. Thankfully, we were lucky enough to earn the first runner up among the twenty school in our region." Kennard told us the story of their success yesterday. I was happy and proud for my friend. "Oh, and I'd like to invite you at home for a mini celebration."

"At your house?" I finally spoke up. "What time?"

"After school this Friday. You guys in?" He raised both of his bushy eyebrows and waited for our response.

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