Chapter XXXI ~Thonia

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"How many times do I have to tell you that I won't wear that!"

Asaila was standing beside me infront of a floor-to-ceiling mirror of a black-and-white boutique. She was already wearing a ball gown inspired by the magazine she'd borrowed from the library and brought to the boutique days before to have it sewn. After a few days, it was truly the exact replica.

"But it looks perfectly on you," Asaila insisted and forced me to wear a gown she grabbed from a rack.

"How did you know? I haven't even worn it."

"That is why you have to check if it fits you so we will know." She was now raising a brow, probably tired of me.

I sat on the couch and crossed my arms. "I wasn't even sure if I will come."

She rolled her eyes and sat beside me. It took her a lot of effort with that massive corset. "If you're still thinking about Joshua or your date, don't worry. I went to dances and proms without one or with crazy escorts for years, and look at me now. I survived. How better it could be if it's you?"

I smiled; remembering the time Asaila went to a prom with a clumsy guy and went home with pasta all over her dress. She smiled too. "See? Did you recalled last year when you went to a dance with your brother? He almost became the Face of the Night twice but that couldn't be counted because he already became in his time." For my past two proms and dances, I had invited Jack mostly because I had no other choice. Jude was busy with his school and no one probably would invite me other than Rick when we were freshmen.

"Yeah, in fact, no one will invite me to go with them." I said.

Asaila threw the dress at me. "No one? What do you call Rick in first year? Or Mon, Sam and Ed last two years? They were your admirers, Thonia. They wanted to ask you to go to the parties but you declined and already reported you would come with your brother."

"They are not my admirers!" I denied, although she made me realized those guys did treat me special somehow before, but it faded.

"But anyway, it was not what I was thinking about." I lied again because somehow I thought of that.

"Then what?"

"I just don't want to come."

Asaila sighed and stood. "You're so mercurial! I don't understand you sometimes. I understand that there are people who become poets, and there others who become elegists." She paused to look at me and shook her head slightly. "But what I don't understand is how can you be both at the same time?"

I stared at her—not glared, just stared. She was serious about what she was saying. My pride was rising, saying I should fight and don't apologize, but I guess Asaila was stronger than it that's why I stood and faced her. "Sorry, A, just having a hard time lately."

"Have you checked your lists to help you? How to get over from something?"

I shook my head no. "I cannot make or find a list about my situation right now because I don't know what to get over with exactly. It was like a storm that came out of nowhere."

"Just..." Asaila looked away then at me. "Just talk to me if you need."

"I know that." I smiled. "That's why I am here."

She stared at me waiting for something to happen. "What?" I asked.

"That's when I was about to receive a hug."

I laughed and hugged her with her gown. "Itchy," I said because the sequins were cutting my skin.

"Don't worry; you will feel the same once you wear this." She went back to the couch and got the gown. For a favor for my hyperbole friend, I did wear the gown.

Metanoia: A Change of HeartOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant