Chapter XXXIV ~ Thonia

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Alex and Cel, Stephen's surprisingly new girlfriend, were on the gate. "Hi, Thonia." Alex said. "The boys totally wrecked it." She pointed at the other gate where Stephen was parking his Audi. Cel laughed, she was not totally a friend of mine but I'd give it a try like how I gave tries to know my brothers' girlfriends and my friends' lovers.

"Well they are boys, what to expect," I shrugged and waved at the tinted windows of the Stephen's car. Wow, they all packed themselves inside the car. "How come you fit in there?" I asked, checking signs of Joshua or his date.

Cel answered. "It's just me and Stephen in front, Kennard and Alex together with Gabe at the back." Oh, no Joshua Silva or Rapunzel.

"Joshua didn't come," Alex said like it was very obvious that I was looking for him. You hoped for this, Thonia. You wanted this. I gave them a smile and we went upstairs to the guest room Fredd set for us.

"His house is big." Cel was amazed as we walked up the staircase.

"Better call it mansion!" Alex said.

I opened the door of the room and saw Asaila already knocked-out, face first, on the bed with her shorts and tank top. I went behind the divider for privacy to change my clothes. I swore I would never wear a dress like that again!

Cel and Alex removed their shoes first and untied their hair. I still had not removed my bun or make-up because I got busy fitting my gown in my backpack, which seemed impossible that's why I just hung it on the divider.

"Where's the bathroom?" Cel asked.

I pointed to the door and sat beside the defeated Asaila. "Hey," I shook her. "Cel and Alex are here."

"Hmm," was all I heard from her. I realized maybe she was not really tired from the dance itself, but probably because of what happened with Arthur. I lay down beside her and opened the book from my backpack.

Cel went out from the bathroom and Alex went in. Cel was now wearing her square glasses but her bun was still in place. "You've been here before?" She asked while wearing a strawberry designed jacket over her beach shorts and sports bra. Her relationship with Stephen was super surprising. It was like yesterday Stephen shared to us one lunch that they started to send Hi's then the next day, they were exchanging 'I love you.'

"Yes." I nodded.

"It's funny right?" she said and I looked up to her. "The boys we're dating are friends. I hope this will make us friends too."

I sent her a quick smile, a nonchalant smile. "I'm not dating anyone."

Her mouth somehow fell open and she looked at me with confusion. "I thought you're dating Joshua."

"Nope." I smiled again; trying so hard to make it seemed real. "He is dating someone else. They are probably downstairs already." Asaila made a sound from under the pillow and I nudged to silent her.

Cel checked her phone. "But Stephen texted me Joshua came alone. His date must be a loser, then." She was a little mean when she said that and even though I hadn't have a chance to meet Rapunzel-aka Christina-I wanted to say to Cel that Joshua was not that stupid to date just anyone. And to admit it, that Christina girl was pretty, rich, seemed smart enough to be with the Joshua Silva. She deserved him more than me.

"We get the love we think we deserve." I somehow heard Stephen Chbosky whispered me those words. But how the hell would I know if I deserve that love? Wasn't I enough?

Someone knocked and Cel opened it before I even guess who it might be. "Hey," he said to no one in particular but clearly looking for Alex.

"She's in the bathroom. Wanna join her?" Cel said.

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