Chapter XXXXIV ~ Joshua

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I sleepily went down to have breakfast before I took a bath. I took the box of Honey Stars (with moons) cereal and a box of fresh milk. Once I closed the fridge, I saw a note from my parents in one of the magnets.

Josh and May,

Left early for an urgent business trip. We won't be home until the 23rd.

Take care

We love you,

Mom and Dad

PS: we left something on the dining table

I walked to the dining table holding my breakfast boxes and saw two gifts wrapped in Christmas papers. I placed the boxes down and took another letter under them.

Advance merry christmas!

Here are advance gifts for you. Sorry we had to leave earlier than we thought and decided not to wake you up. You can open the gifts and use them already, okay? We'll be back as soon as possible. Btw, Mommy Cookie will be there anytime this week. Have a great time with her. (Flour and other baking materials are in the counters)


Mom and Dad

PS: Another note on the fridge.

PPS-from Mom: do not make Mommy Cookie mad alright! Stay sweet and patient.

I hadn't realized I was smiling while reading their letters. I was also excited for the gifts. What could they possibly give us, May and I had almost everything, more than enough. "I'm done taking a bath, it's your turn." May approached from the stairs into the dining room while drying her hair with her towel. She saw the note I was holding and the mysterious gifts on the table, a small cube like the size of a wedding ring box and a bigger rectangle one. "What are those?"

"Gifts," I said and explained the letter to her. They used to leave the house early for work and we were left alone or with a house helper but leaving notes and gifts were something unusual. "Want to open yours now?" She opened hers, the bigger one and it was a new phone. "Wow! Tell me I'm not dreaming." She gazed at the phone box in her hands with awe.

I sat on a chair and started preparing my breakfast; scooped cereals in a bowl, add milk, then chow. I left my small gift beside my bowl and wondered what it was. Could it be a watch? Or...

May snatched the smaller gift and studied it. "Quit staring and start unwrapping!" She said with full mouth. "Looks can be very deceitful, brother. A simple rock could hold a million-worth gold inside." She smirked and giggled. "Thonia told me that."

"Give that back." I ordered her.

"Can I open it for you?" She asked sweetly.

I sighed to end both of our curiosity and let her. She tore the gift wrapper and opened the blue box inside. Based on her reaction, she was surprised of what was in the box. She grinned and looked at me. "Well, we won't need the PharmaSilva carpool this morning."

"Why? Let me see." I peeked and saw pair of keys with blue car keychain.

"Guess someone will drive me to school this morning."


I stood to pass my paper to Miss Roche infront. The exams were fine, just got a little confused in the Math problems. I had no time to study last night thinking about the equation Thonia gave me. "Merry Christmas, Joshua!" She said while she smiled and studied my answers.

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